ComfyICU provides a robust REST API that allows you to seamlessly integrate and execute your custom ComfyUI workflows in production environments. Our API is designed to help developers focus on creating innovative AI experiences without the burden of managing GPU infrastructure.
This repository contains working examples, sample code, and additional documentation to help you get the most out of the ComfyICU API.
First, you'll need to create an API key. You can do this from your account settings page. Once you have your key, add it to your environment variable like so:
Then clone this repo
git clone
cd examples
Install node-fetch to make API requests
cd javascript/
npm install node-fetch@2 --save
Edit simple.js
and replace workflow_id
node simple.js
Install requests to make API requests
cd python/
pip install requests
and replace workflow_id
You should be able to see output like below
{'id': 'APCmAT2lf8O6sAgk2Svf2'}
Attempt 1: Run status is QUEUED
Attempt 2: Run status is STARTED
Attempt 3: Run status is COMPLETED
Final status: COMPLETED
Output: [
"filename": "/workflows/6bAK1X_Y7QERnV30MZdo2/output/APCmAT2lf8O6sAgk2Svf2/ComfyICU_00001_.png",
"url": "",
"thumbnail_url": ""