This package is intended to be used as a standalone application (command line or daemon) for receiving Pulsar asynchronous messages from TUYA sensor devices, and then passing those as alarm device messages to Domoticz using http requests.
This is NOT a Domoticz plugin!
For Domoticz, a tuya plugin is already implemented: but it just handles switches and devices that are usually online, not battery operated sensors. For me, that was not useable. I have reflashed all my non-battery Tuya devices (wall sockets) with Tasmota, but for the actual sensors the reflashing is a painful and unguarranteed process. If reflashing is preferred, have a look at this:
Currently, the only tested device is the Y09 WiFi water leakage sensor.
Home Assistant can also handle tuya devices through a tuya maintained plugin (tuya-home-assistant) but, for what I can tell, it just uses a polling mechanism with a big warning about the delay in use. The Domoticz-TUYA-Plugin apparently uses the same plugin to interface with Tuya.
The devices are "virtual devices" of type "alarm". I didn't find a suitable existing device to put everything in one place but this is effective (it's easy to script these to trigger some real alarm). Some pictures related to the current setup below:
Pair the Tuya devices using the default SmartHome Application.
Create an account and a cloud project on
Link the SmartHome app linked devices in the project (Devices -> Add Device -> Add Device with IOT Device Management App).
Configure the Home and device related service APIs.
Write down the ID and KEY for that project. One device UID is also required, as the "normal" device listing fails.
Using pip:
# Install tuya2domoticz
pip3 install tuya2domoticz
- Configure devices The first run will help to configure the device. You will need to set up the ACCESS_ID, ACCESS_KEY, one of the registered devices UID (as reported from the tuya IOT project setup), Domoticz IP:PORT and then the device numbers for the Domoticz virtual devices. For each pyhisical device, there should be one a virtual alert device for the actual status, and one for the battery status. If the device battery status is not needed, it shall be set to "-2". In the end, a "config.json" file will be created with the needed information. This file can be updated manually if needed.
$ python3 -m tuya2domoticz -r
2021-10-04 20:05:07,591 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Started, using config file: config.json
Please configure the following parameters:
ACCESS_ID: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ACCESS_KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
First device UID: 05075255e098061ba2f6
Region (us, eu, cn): eu
domoticz (IP:PORT):
2021-10-04 20:05:43,581 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Initializing tuya connector.
domoticz ID for "Water leak sensor" (uid: 05075255e098061ba2f6): 38
domoticz battery ID for "Water leak sensor" (uid: 05075255e098061ba2f6): 40
domoticz ID for "Water leak sensor 2" (uid: 050752558caab55ab820): 39
domoticz battery ID for "Water leak sensor 2" (uid: 050752558caab55ab820): 41
2021-10-04 20:05:50,001 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - {'uid': '05075255e098061ba2f6', 'name': 'Water leak sensor', 'domoticz_id': '38', 'domoticz_id_battery': '40'}
2021-10-04 20:05:50,001 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - {'uid': '050752558caab55ab820', 'name': 'Water leak sensor 2', 'domoticz_id': '39', 'domoticz_id_battery': '41'}
2021-10-04 20:05:50,001 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Devices initialized.
2021-10-04 20:05:50,001 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Starting pulsar listener.
- Install the module as service (Linux only):
$ python3 -m tuya2domoticz -i
Note, this will create a /home/$USER/tuya2domoticz folder (if not existing) and will copy the "config.json" file previously generated. Also, the tuya2domoticz.service file will be copied to /home/$USER/.config/systemd/user/. This systemctl service file can also be modified as needed (in case one needs a different working directory, for example).
- Start the service:
$ systemctl --user start tuya2domoticz
$ systemctl --user status tuya2domoticz
● tuya2domoticz.service - Tuya2domoticz Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/home/costa/.config/systemd/user/tuya2domoticz.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-10-04 20:14:04 EEST; 2s ago
Main PID: 90404 (python3)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/app.slice/tuya2domoticz.service
└─90404 /usr/bin/python3 -m tuya2domoticz -c /home/costa/tuya2domoticz/config.json
oct 04 20:14:04 tuf systemd[999]: Started Tuya2domoticz Daemon.
oct 04 20:14:04 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:04,826 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Started, using config file: /home/costa/tuya2domoticz/config.json
oct 04 20:14:04 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:04,826 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Config loaded.
oct 04 20:14:04 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:04,826 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Initializing tuya connector.
oct 04 20:14:05 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:05,009 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - {'uid': '05075255e098061ba2f6', 'name': 'Water leak sensor', 'domoticz_id': '38', 'domoticz_id_battery': '40'}
oct 04 20:14:05 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:05,009 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - {'uid': '050752558caab55ab820', 'name': 'Water leak sensor 2', 'domoticz_id': '39', 'domoticz_id_battery': '41'}
oct 04 20:14:05 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:05,009 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Devices initialized.
oct 04 20:14:05 tuf python3[90404]: 2021-10-04 20:14:05,010 - tuya2domoticz - INFO - Starting pulsar listener.