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Academic Commons 4.0

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Checking out and working with a local development instance

Current recommended version of Ruby is specified in .ruby-version.

  1. Clone the repository to a location of your choosing

    git clone [email protected]:cul/ac-academiccommons.git
  2. Checkout the current development branch

    git checkout {branch}
  3. Create local config files from templates

    bundle exec rake config_files
  4. Install any needed gems using Bundler

    bundle install
  5. Install required Javascript libraries using Yarn

    brew install yarn
  6. Setup your local development DB.

    bundle exec rake db:migrate
  7. Start your local fedora and solr instances. Docker must be running on your computer.

    bundle exec rake ac:docker:start
  8. In a separate terminal window, start the webpack dev server for faster asset compilation.

  9. Start your local Rails app

    rails server

Populating your development instance with items

If you need an object in AC to do further testing and development, add an item with the following instructions.

  1. Stop Fedora and Solr

    bundle exec rake ac:docker:stop
  2. Clean out Solr and Fedora (only necessary if previously loaded items)

    bundle exec rake ac:docker:delete_volumes
  3. Start Fedora and Solr

    bundle exec rake ac:docker:start
  4. Load the collection and one item into Fedora.

    bundle exec rake ac:populate_solr

Authentication/Authorization in development

If you would like to see pages that require authentication follow the steps below.

  1. Seed your development database with two users. ONLY USE THIS IN DEVELOPMENT.

    rake db:seed
  2. Log in as one of the users that was just added. When you click the log in link, you will be prompted for a uni.

    For administrative privileges, log in as ta123.

    For a user without administrative privileges, log in as tu123.


We use the rubocul gem to centralize our rubocop config and share it among repos. In order to regenerate .rubocop_todo please use the following command. Using the following command creates a rubocop_todo configuration that only excludes files from cops instead of enabling/disabling cops and changing configuration values.

rubocop --auto-gen-config  --auto-gen-only-exclude --exclude-limit 10000

Running tests

  1. In order to run tests that require javascript you might need chrome installed (needs to be tested).
  2. Run tests locally by running rake ci.
  3. Run tests and rubocop by running rake (this is the task used on each travis build).


  1. When deploying a new version of the application to test or prod, make sure to create a new tag by running:
    cap test cul:auto_tag
    This will create a tag based on the version number (listed in VERSION).

API v1

Documentation for the Academic Commons API can be found at /api/v1/swagger_doc. To view documentation in a swagger GUI, the following url has to be created:{root_url}/api/v1/swagger_doc


Helpful things to know


We are using cul_omniauth to provide Columbia CAS login (authentication). In addition, we are using CanCanCan for authorization of specific tasks. Right now, we just have one role, and that's 'admin.' Later, we might want a more complex permissions structure, but for right now this fits our needs. Any page that requires authentication will redirect the user to the Columbia CAS login page. If a json response is requested, the user is not redirected.


For every asset and item in Academic Commons we store view and download statistics. Assets should only have download statistics and items should only have view statistics. When we calculate download statistics for an item we use the download statistics of its assets. If there are multiple assets associated with an item, we use the download statistics for the most downloaded asset.


  • When an item is first added to Academic Commons, we notify the author of the availability of the item if there is a UNI present for the author.

  • Monthly statistics email are sent to authors manually. Authors can opt-out of receiving emails by using an unsubscribe link. Administrators can also prevent authors from getting emails by adding an Email Preference for the author.

  • Academic Commons staff are sent an email when a new deposit is added or when a new agreement is signed.

  • Depositors that self-identify as students are sent a notification that serves as a reminder that departmental approval is required for student works.

Worker Queue

We are using redis and resque for our worker queue. The worker queue UI can be accessed by administrators are /admin/resque. Redis/resque are configured for our deployed production and test environments. Development does not have a worker queue yet.

Indexing Digital Objects

Synchronously (for deployed and local development environments)

To index all items/assets currently in AC, use the following rake task:


To index specific items and related assets (that are already in AC), use the following rake task:

# available parameters: pids
# pids should be a comma-delineated list of pids


To index specific items/assets, use the following rake task:

# available parameters: pids and pidlist
# pids should be a comma-delineated list of pids
# pidlist should be a file with a pid in everyline


Asynchronously (for deployed test and production environments)

To index all items/assets currently in AC, use the following rake task:

rake ac:index:all

To index select item/assets, use the following rake task:

# available parameters: pids and pidlist
# pids should be a comma-delineated list of pids
# pidlist should be a file with a pid in everyline 

rake ac:index:by_pid pids=ac:test1,ac:test2