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  • See index.ts for example for GraphQL setup.
  • See express.ts for example for Express setup with GET /
  • Using AWS SAM CLI sam is probably the easiest way to deploy lambda based applications.

Deployment with AWS SAM

Important files:

  • samconfig.toml: AWS SAM configuration file.
  • cloudformation-resources-v3.yaml: AWS SAM template file, essentially a CloudFormation template file. By default this should be named template.yaml.
    • This is almost the same as cloudformation-resources-v2.yaml. But running sam build will automatically build the image based on the Metadata field.


  1. Prepare the application for later deployment or local testing:

    sam build -t cloudformation-resources-v3.yaml
    • sam build create a .aws-sam folder.
    • If template is called template.yaml, -t option can be omitted.
  2. Deploy the application:

    sam deploy
    • If samconfig.toml hasn't been created already, or we are running deploy for the first time, we can add --guided.
    • No need to use -t cloudformation-resources-v3.yaml like sam build, because this will actually use .aws-sam/build/template.yaml created in sam build step.

Clean Up

Delete the stack:

sam delete
  • No need to use -t cloudformation-resources-v3.yaml, because needed information is stored

Deployment with CloudFormation directly


  1. (One time setup) Provision ECR:

    aws --region us-west-2 \
      cloudformation deploy \
      --template-file cloudformation-ecr.yaml \
      --stack-name TestEcr
  2. Read the output of the stack to get the ECR URI for future steps:

    aws --region us-west-2 \
      cloudformation describe-stacks \
      --stack-name TestEcr \
      | jq ".Stacks[0].Outputs"

    Example output:

        "OutputKey": "RepositoryUriForLambda",
        "OutputValue": "<ecr_uri>"
  3. Build the image and tag with the ECR URI:

    docker build -t <ecr_uri>:<version> .

    (Optional) We can tag the image with ECR URI later:

    docker tag <local_image_name> <ecr_uri>:<version>
  4. (Optional) Test the function locally:

    docker run -p 9000:8080 <ecr_uri>:<version>

    In a separate terminal, run:

    curl "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" \
      -d '{"payload":"hello world!"}'
    • -d '{"payload":"hello world!"}' will only work for GET / route in Express.
  5. Login to ECR with Docker:

    aws --region us-west-2 ecr get-login-password \
      | docker login <ecr_uri> \
      --username AWS \
  6. Push the image to ECR:

    docker push <ecr_uri>:<version>
  7. Deploy the CloudFormation stack:

    aws --region us-west-2 cloudformation deploy \
      --template-file cloudformation-resources.yaml \
      --stack-name TestResources \
      --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
      --parameter-overrides \
  8. (Optional) Test the endpoint (GraphQL API):

    curl 'https://<api_gateway_domain>/graphql' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{"query":"{ hello }"}'
    • -H 'content-type: application/json' is required for GraphQL requests.

Clean Up

  1. Delete the stacks (both TestResources and TestEcr):

    aws --region us-west-2 cloudformation delete-stack \
      --stack-name TestResources
  2. Delete the ECR:

    1. (Optional) List the images:

      aws --region us-west-2 ecr list-images \
        --repository-name <ecr_name>
    2. Delete all images:

      aws --region us-west-2 ecr batch-delete-image \
        --repository-name <ecr_name> \
        --image-ids imageTag=v1 imageTag=v2
    3. Delete the repository:

      aws --region us-west-2 cloudformation delete-stack \
        --stack-name TestEcr

Important Notes

  • serverless-http is the library to convert a regular Express app into a lambda handler.

  • Docker image must use arm64 version, i.e., which matches the Architectures property of the lambda function.

  • AWS::Serverless::Function is used instead of AWS::Lambda::Function so we don't have to create IAM roles and policies for the lambda function ourselves.

  • In cloudformation-resources-v1.yaml, the SourceArn field of AWS::Lambda::Permission can be ignored. If you want to specify it, the resource-path must match the AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route's ARN. Otherwise, it will show as error in Lambda > Triggers section of AWS Console. For example:

    • If AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route has RouteKey set to GET /, then the SourceArn should be arn:aws:execute-api:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${ApiGatewayApiHttp.ApiId}/*/*/, where it ends with /*/*/ instead of /*/*/*. Because AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route didn't define path /*.
    • For POST /graphql, it should be arn:aws:execute-api:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${ApiGatewayApiHttp.ApiId}/*/*/graphql.

    See for ARN format for API Gateway. The stage and http-method part can still be "*".

  • In cloudformation-resources-v2.yaml, we used AWS::Serverless::Api to simplify the creation of API Gateway.


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