A library to make manipulating F5 loadbalancers easy
- Supports F5 BIG-IP V11
- Manage nodes, pools and poolmembers, irules and virtualservers
- python 2.7+ / Python 3+
- bigsuds (https://devcentral.f5.com/d/bigsuds-python-icontrol-library)
python setup.py install
import f5
lb = f5.Lb('f5.example.com', 'admin', 'admin')
# Get the failover state
# Disable versioncheck if you know better
lb = f5.Lb('f5.example.com', 'admin', 'admin', versioncheck=False)
# Get all intranet pools
pools = lb.pools_get(pattern='.*intranet.*')
# I only need the names - go faster!
# (This will skip populating all the object attributes, useful if you just want a listing)
pools = lb.pools_get(pattern='.*intranet.*', minimal=True)
# Get the members in those pools
pms = lb.pms_get(pools=pools)
# I just wanted the ones in dc3
pms = lb.pms_get(pools=pools, pattern='.*dc3')
# Just give me ALL poolmembers in dc3
pms = lb.pms_get(pattern='.*dc3.*')
# Give me *ALL* poolmembers
pms = lb.pms_get()
# Nodes are similar
nodes = lb.nodes_get()
# Pools
pools = lb.pools_get()
# Change the active folder
if lb.active_folder != '/Common':
lb.active_folder = '/Common'
# Enable recursive querying
lb.recursive_query = True
# Perform transactions
node = lb.node_get('/Common/node-01')
pm = lb.get_pm('/Common/node-01'):
lb.transaction = True
if happy():
# submit
# or rollback
lb.transaction = False
import f5
lb = f5.Lb('f5.example.com', 'admin', 'admin')
# Basic create
node = f5.Node(name='/Common/node-01', address='', connection_limit=0, lb=lb)
# We can check if this node exists
if node.exists():
print 'Oh, it was already there'
import nuke
icbm = nuke.Icbm()
# this works too
node = f5.Node(name='/Common/node-01')
node.lb = lb
node._name = name
node._address = address
node._connection_limit = connection_limit
node._description = description
node._dynamic_ratio = dynamic_ratio
node._enabled = enabled
node._rate_limit = rate_limit
node._ratio = ratio
# Get the attributes synchronously (directly from the lb)
print 'node connection_limit: %s' % (node.connection_limit)
print 'node description: %s' % (node.description)
print 'node dynamic_ratio: %s' % (node.dynamic_ratio)
print 'node status: %s' % (node.enabled)
print 'node rate_limit: %s' % (node.rate_limit)
print 'node rate_limit: %s' % (node.ratio)
# Often local copies are enough and we don't want to call the lb
print 'node connection_limit: %s' % (node._connection_limit)
print 'node description: %s' % (node._description)
print 'node dynamic_ratio: %s' % (node._dynamic_ratio)
print 'node status: %s' % (node._enabled)
print 'node rate_limit: %s' % (node._rate_limit)
print 'node rate_limit: %s' % (node._ratio)
# It's under 9000!
node.ratio = 8999
# This node is broken, disable it
node.enabled = False
# We can also do transactions
lb.transaction = True
node.connection_limit = 100
node.ratio = 10
# we can set attributes asynchronously, but remember to save()
node._connection_limit = 100
node._ratio = 10
# save() is transactional. (But it won't submit if there's already one running)
# We can re-fetch all attributes from the lb easily
# Or work with a list for convenience:
nodelist = f5.NodeList(lb, pattern='.*webapp.dc02.*')
# Update attributes on all the nodes in the list
nodelist.connection_limit = '9001'
# or asynchronous (and transactional):
nodelist._set_nodeattr('_connection_limit', 9001)
nodelist._set_nodeattr('_description', 'It's over 9000!')
# to dictionary
# Or from local copies (no requests to the lb, so faster)
# Load from dictionary:
nodelist.dictionary = dictionary
import f5
lb = f5.Lb('f5.example.com', 'admin', 'admin')
# Basic create
pool = f5.Pool(name='/Common/pool-01', lbmethod='ratio_member', members=[], lb=lb)
# This time with a member
node = lb.node_get('/Common/node-01')
# TODO: need some more logic here. pool parameter is redundant when new object is meant to become a member
pm = f5.PoolMember(node=node, port=80, pool=pool)
pool = f5.Pool(name='/Common/pool-01', lbmethod='ratio_member', members=[pm], lb=lb)
# Get existing pool
pool = lb.pool_get('/Common/pool-01)
# Get pool members
poolmembers = pool.members
# You can directly reference member attributes
poolmembers[0].ratio = 10
# Set some attributes synchronously
pool.lbmethod = 'round_robin'
pool.description = 'This is an example pool'
# or asynchronously (remember to save!)
pool._lbmethod = 'round_robin'
pool._description = 'This is an example pool'
# We can easily copy members between pools
# Here we copy members in dc3 from 'some_other_pool' to our pool.
pms = lb.pms_get(pools=['some_other_pool'], pattern='.*dc3.*')
pool.members = pms
import f5
lb = f5.Lb('f5.example.com', 'admin', 'admin')
# Basic create
node = lb.node_get('/Common/node-01')
pool = lb.pool_get('/Common/pool-01)
pm = f5.PoolMember(node=node, port=80, pool=pool, lb=lb)
# We don't *have to* use objects, string are also fine.
pm = f5.PoolMember(node='/Common/node-01', port=80, pool='/Common/pool-01', lb=lb)
# Save it to the lb before using setters (or receive an error)
# Set some attributes synchronously
pm.description = 'This is my poolmember, there are many like it, but this one is mine'
pm.ratio = 10
pm.lb = lb
# or asynchronously (remember to save!)
pm._ratio = 10
pm._lb = lb
# We can defer setting the lb until the very end and still use the setters to make changes
# asynchronously. If lb isn't set, the setters will just update the local copies.
pm = f5.PoolMember(node=node, port=80, pool=pool)
pm.connection_limit = 9000
pm.description = 'Whos poolmember is this?'
pm.ratio = 10
pm.lb = lb
# You can also directly reference the linked node object's attributes
pm.node.ratio = 10