Releases: danielmiessler/SecLists
Third release of 2024!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @ItsIgnacioPortal , @righettod , @PhHitachi, @freyxfi , @nu11pointer , @7h30th3r0n3 , @molangning & @johnjhacking
Second release of 2024!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @molangning, @ashtonhogan, @Sevada797, @emmanuel-londono, @exploide, @emmanuelgautier, @riramar, @ItsIgnacioPortal, @0xjv, @YouFoundAlpha, @danielmiessler, @righettod, @adeadfed, @spaze, @CodeVIP123 & @BrandonW6000
First release of 2024!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @cosad3s, @molangning, @barisbogdan, @righettod, @davidmcduffie001, @legik, @StellarSand, @zerbaliy3v, @jhaddix, @emmanuel-londono, @Ghoreish , @denandz and @ErdemOzgen.
Fourth (and final) release of 2023!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @sonatagreen, @DeveloperOl, @adilnbabras, @nekonugget, @stefanman125, @souravvvv123, @CountablyInfinite, @ThomasBucaioni, @DmytroKashchuk, @righettod, @ItsIgnacioPortal, @cosad3s, @olizimmermann, @zyairelai and @molangning
Third release of 2023!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @dylleb, @righettod, @tomtastic, @NicolasCARPi, @Xhoenix, @denandz & @cosad3s
Second release of 2023!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
Shout-out to: @ItsIgnacioPortal, @ClutchReboot , @ivan-sincek, @strayfade & @righettod
Fourth (and final) release of 2022!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
A big shoutout goes out to @ItsIgnacioPortal for all their work (again!)
And a thanks to @righettod for their pull requests
Third release of 2022!
🎉 This release includes multiple updates from the community =)
🥇 Thank you everyone <3
A big shoutout goes out to @ItsIgnacioPortal for all their work!
And a thanks to @J-GainSec for their pull requests