The Battle Cats Information Website
A tool which has the ability to download the online comics and novels from some china websites.
An open library for simplified-traditional Chinese text conversion.
本專案整理「新同文堂」針對「軟體行業」翻譯詞彙的總整理,使用者直接匯入 JSON 設定就可以使用。
The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
將簡體中文中常用的 Computer Science 詞彙轉換成繁體中文的詞彙
Greasemonkey scripts ( Pagetual / Picviewer CE+ / DownloadAllContent ) 油猴腳本集 ユーザースクリプト集
繁簡轉換函式庫 追求正確率 先解析詞性再繁簡轉換 繁體中文↔簡體中文轉換 Chinese converter between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Base tests for every PostCSS CSS parser
Implementation-independant, JSON-based tests for CSS parsers
🏇 Strictly spec-compliant CSS parser in TypeScript
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
A sample project that exists for PyPUG's "Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects"
Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
A standalone version of the readability lib
self-hosted, local-first web archive application.
Yet another IDS (Ideographic Description Sequences) lists with MIT license