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Effector JS forms

There are some breaking changes starting from v2


$ npm install efx-forms

Peer dependencies - library depends on:

react effector effector-react lodash

mjs build included

Main Components

Form / Field

import { Form, Field } from 'efx-forms';
import { FormDataProvider } from 'efx-forms/FormDataProvider';
import { required, email } from 'efx-forms/validators';

const Input = ({ id, label, error, errors, value, ...props }) => (
    <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
    <input id={id} value={value || ''} type="text" {...props} />

const TextField = (props) => <Field Field={Input} {...props} />

const validators = {
  name: [required()],

const Page = () => {
  const submit = (values) => {
  return (
    <Form name="user-form" onSubmit={submit} validators={validators}>
      <TextField name="name" label="Name" />
          required({ msg: `Hey, email is required` }),
      {[0, 1, 2].map((idx) => (
          label={`Address ${idx + 1}`}
        {({ values }) => (
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>
// Form values
values = {
  'name': 'John',
  'email': '[email protected]',
  'address[0]': 'First Line',
  'address[1]': 'Second Line',
  'address[2]': 'Postcode',
valuesShape = {
  'name': 'John',
  'email': '[email protected]',
  'address': [
    'First Line',
    'Second Line',


Form component

interface Form {
  // Form name - required, used to get form instance outside of context
  name: string,
   * Form submit method - on validation success will be called with
   * form values.
   * If skipClientValidation is set - no validation will be applied.
   * If submit return promise:
   * - reject - object with errors per field - errors will be passed
   *   to the form
   *   { '': 'Name is already taken', ... }
   * - resolve - success submit
   * @param values - FormValues - flat
   * @example
   * { '': 'John', 'user.age': '20' }
  onSubmit?: (values: Record<string, any>) => void | Promise<Record<string, any>>;
  // If set, submit will skip client form validation
  // Default: false
  skipClientValidation?: boolean;
  // Form initial values - field initialValue is in priority
  initialValues?: { fieldName: 'value' }
  // Keep form data on unmount
  // Default: false
  keepOnUnmount: boolean;
  // PROPERTY - serialize - serialize stores
  // not reactive, initialized only once on form creation
  // Default: false
  serialize?: boolean;
  // Set fields validation behavior onBlur
  // Default: true
  validateOnBlur?: boolean;
  // Set fields validation behavior onChange
  // Default: false
  validateOnChange?: boolean;
  // Disable reinit on initialValue change
  disableFieldsReinit?: boolean;
  // Validators config per field - field validators are in priority
  validators?: {
    fieldName: [
      (value: any, values: Record<string, any>) => string | false,

Field component

interface Field {
  // Field name - required, used to register/get field in the form
  name: string,
  // Field initial value - used on initial load and reset
  // default = ''
  initialValue?: any;
  // Transform value before set to store
  parse?: (value: any) => any;
  // Format value before displaying
  format?: (value: any) => any;
  // Passive field does not update its active state and config
  passive?: boolean;
  // Validators array - applied on validation
  validators?: [
    (value: any, values: Record<string, any>) => string | false,
  // Set validation behaviour onBlur, overrides form value
  // Default: true
  validateOnBlur?: boolean;
  // Set validation behaviour onChange, overrides form value
  // Default: false
  validateOnChange?: boolean;
  // Disable reinit on initialValue change
  disableFieldReinit?: boolean;
  // Field component - component to be used as form field
  Field: ReactComponent<any>;
  // Form name - if field belongs to a different form or used outside
  // of the form context
  formName?: string;

IfFormValues component

Conditional rendering based on form values

interface IfFormValues {
  children?: ReactNode;
  // Form name - used to get form values,
  // if not provided will be taken from context
  form?: string;
  // Condition check - accepts form values and return boolean,
  // if true render children
  check: (values: Record<string, any>, activeValues: Record<string, any>) => boolean;
  // Set fields values on show - { fieldName: 'value' }
  setTo?: Record<string, any>;
  // Set fields values on hide - { fieldName: 'value' }
  resetTo?: Record<string, any>;
  // Debounce for fields update
  // Default: 0
  updateDebounce?: number;
  // Render prop - accepts form values and return react element
  // if defined will be used instead of children
  render?: (values: Record<string, any>) => ReactElement;
import { IfFormValues } from 'efx-forms/IfFormValues';

const ConditionalRender = () => (
  <IfFormValues check={({ age }) => age > 21 }>
    <div>Hey, I am here</div>

const ConditionalRenderProp = () => (
    check={({ age }) => age > 21 }
    render={({ age, name }) => <div>Hi, I am {name} - {age}</div>}

FormDataProvider component

Subscribe for form values changes

interface FormDataProvider {
  // Render function - provides all subscribed data
  children: (values: ReturnType<typeof useFormData>) => ReactNode;
  // Form name if used outside of context or refers to another form
  name?: string;
import { FormDataProvider } from 'efx-forms/FormDataProvider';

const FormData = () => (
    {({ values, errors }) => <div>{values} - {errors}</div>}

IfFieldValue component

Conditional rendering based on field value

interface IfFieldValue {
  children?: ReactNode;
  // Field name
  field: string;
  // Form name - used to get form values,
  // if not provided will be taken from context
  formName?: string;
  // Condition check - accepts form values and return boolean,
  // if true render children
  check: (value: any) => boolean;
  // Render prop - accepts form values and return react element
  // if defined will be used instead of children
  render?: (values: any) => ReactElement;
import { IfFieldValue } from 'efx-forms/IfFieldValue';

const ConditionalRender = () => (
  <IfFieldValue check={(age) => age > 21 }>
    <div>Hey, I am here</div>

const ConditionalRenderProp = () => (
    check={(age) => age > 21 }
    render={(age) => <div>Hi, I am {age}</div>}

FieldDataProvider component

Subscribe for field value changes

interface FieldDataProvider {
  // Render function - provides all subscribed data
  children: (values: ReturnType<typeof useFieldData>) => ReactNode;
  // Field name to get stores values from
  name: string;
  // Form name if used outside of context or refers to another form
  formName?: string;
import { FieldDataProvider } from 'efx-forms/FieldDataProvider';

const FieldData = () => (
  <FieldDataProvider name="">
    {({ value, active }) => <div>{value} - {active}</div>}


Form Instance

interface FormInstance {
  /** PROPERTY - Form name */
  domain: Domain;
  /** PROPERTY - Form name */
  name: string;
  /** $$STORE - Form active fields - all fields statuses - flat */
  $active: Store<Record<string, boolean>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form active only fields - flat */
  $activeOnly: Store<Record<string, true>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form active values - all active / visible fields values - flat */
  $activeValues: Store<Record<string, any>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form values - all fields values - flat */
  $values: Store<Record<string, any>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form errors - all field errors */
  $errors: Store<Record<string, string[]>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form errors - fields last error - flat */
  $error: Store<Record<string, string | null>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form valid - true if form is valid */
  $valid: Store<boolean>;
  /** $$STORE - Form submitting - true if busy */
  $submitting: Store<boolean>;
  /** $$STORE - Form touched - true if touched */
  $touched: Store<boolean>;
  /** $$STORE - Form touches - all fields touches - flat */
  $touches: Store<Record<string, boolean>>;
  /** $$STORE - Form dirty - true if diff from initial value */
  $dirty: Store<boolean>;
  /** $$STORE - Form dirties - all fields dirty state - flat */
  $dirties: Store<Record<string, boolean>>;
  /** PROP - Form config */
  config: IFormConfig;
  /** PROP - Form config */
  configs: Record<string, IFieldConfig>;
  /** EVENT - Form erase - reset form and delete all assigned form data */
  erase: EventCallable<void>;
  /** EVENT - Form onChange event */
  onChange: EventCallable<{ name: string; value: any; }>;
  /** EVENT - Form onBlur event */
  onBlur: EventCallable<{ name: string; value: any; }>;
  /** EVENT - Form reset - resets form to initial values */
  reset: EventCallable<void>;
  /** EVENT - Field reset - resets field to initial value */
  resetField: EventCallable<string>;
  /** EVENT - Reset untouched fields to initial values */
  resetUntouched: EventCallable<string[]>;
  /** EVENT - Set form config */
  setActive: EventCallable<{ name: string; value: boolean; }>;
  /** METHOD - Set form config */
  setConfig: (cfg: IFormConfig) => void;
  /** METHOD - Set field config */
  setFieldConfig: (cfg: IFieldConfig) => void;
  /** EVENT - Form update field values */
  setValues: EventCallable<Record<string, any>>;
   * EFFECT - Form submit - callback will be called with form values if form is valid
   * or if callback returns promise reject with errors, will highlight them in the form
  submit: Effect<ISubmitArgs, ISubmitResponseSuccess, ISubmitResponseError>;
  /** EVENT - Form validate trigger */
  validate: EventCallable<IValidationParams>;

Methods / Hooks

import { getForm, useFormInstance } from 'efx-forms';
import { useForm } from 'efx-forms/useForm';
import { useFormData } from 'efx-forms/useFormData';
import { useFormValues } from 'efx-forms/useFormValues';
import { useFormStore } from 'efx-forms/useFormStore';
import { useFormStores } from 'efx-forms/useFormStores';
import { useFormMethods } from 'efx-forms/useFormMethods';
import { useField } from 'efx-forms/useField';
import { useFieldData } from 'efx-forms/useFieldData';
import { useFieldStore } from 'efx-forms/useFieldStore';
import { useStoreProp } from 'efx-forms/useStoreProp';
import { useStorePropFn } from 'efx-forms/useStorePropFn';

 * Return form by name
 * @type (config: IFormConfig) => IForm
const formOne = getForm({ name: 'form-one' });

 * Hook - return form (from context) data/methods or provided form by name.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * Result includes all form data in plain objects and units in scope
 * @type (formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useForm>
const formTwo = useForm();

 * Hook - return form (from context) data or provided form by name.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * Result includes all form data in plain objects and units in scope
 * @type (formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useFormData>
const formThree = useFormData();

 * Hook - return form (from context) instance or provided form by name.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * Result contains all form stores and units, use useUnit to get values
 * @type (formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useFormInstance>
const formInst = useFormInstance();

 * Hook - return form (from context) store values or from provided form.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (store: string, formName?: string) => IFormErrors
const formErrors = useFormStore('$errors');

 * Hook - return form (from context) stores values array or from
 * provided form. Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the
 * form context or refers to another form.
 * @type (store: string[], formName?: string) => IFormErrors
const [errors, values] = useFormStores(['$errors', '$values']);

 * Hook - return form (from context) values or from provided form.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (formName?: string) => IFormValues
const formValues = useFormValues();

 * Hook - return form (from context) methods or from provided form.
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useFormMethods>
const formMethods = useFormMethods();

 * Hook - return field by name
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of the form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (name: string, formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useField>
const field = useField('field-one');

 * Hook - return field value by name
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (name: string, formName?: string) => ReturnType<typeof useFieldData>
const fieldData = useFieldData('field-one');

 * Hook - return field store value
 * Form name is needed when hook is used outside of form context
 * or refers to another form.
 * @type (data: {
 *   store: string;
 *   name: string;
 *   formName?: string;
 *   defaultValue?: any;
 * }) => ReturnType<typeof useFieldStore>
const fieldActive = useFieldStore({
  store: '$active',
  name: '',
  formName: 'login',
  defaultValue: '',

 * Hook - return store value
 * @type (
 *   store: Store,
 *   prop: string,
 *   defaultValue?: any,
 * ) => ReturnType<typeof useStoreProp>
const storePropValue = useStoreProp(form.$values, '', '');

 * Hook - return store value
 * @type (
 *   store: Store,
 *   getter: (value: any) => any,
 *   defaultValue?: any,
 * ) => ReturnType<typeof useStoreProp>
const storePropFnValue = useStorePropFn(form.$values, (val) =>, '');


import {
  // effector forms domain, usefull for logging / debugging
} from 'efx-forms/utils';

 * Return only truthy values from object
 * @type (values: IFormValues) => IFormValues
const truthyValues = truthyFy(values);

 * Return flat to shaped values
 * @type (values: IFormValues) => {}
 * @example
 * { '': 'John' } => { user: { name: 'John } }
const shapedValues = shapeFy(values);

 * Return effector store with truthy values
 * @type ($values: Store): Store => $truthyValues
const $truthyStore = truthyFyStore($values);

 * Return effector store with shaped values
 * @type ($values: Store): Store => $shapedValues
const $shapedStore = shapeFyStore($values);

 * Return flatten one level object keys/values
 * helper for the nested initial values
 * @type (values: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> => ({})
const initialValues = flattenObjectKeys(values);


Check validators.d.ts file to see all built-in validators and their arguments

import { required, email } from 'efx-forms/validators';

const formValidations = {
  '': [required()],
  '': [
    required({ msg: 'Email is required' }), // custom message
