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Repository files navigation

My name is Darío Cutillas Carrillo, I'm a software engineer and this is my personal blog which you can visit in

Building this site

The following instructions are mostly for the future me.

If you just cloned the repository, initialize and clone git submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

And also install the necessary hooks:


Convenience scripts

./configure Will install netlify ./preview Preview this site in the browser. Drafts are enabled. ./deploy Builds and deploy the site. It will require you to be able to decrypt netlify.token.

Generating token for deployment

The netlify.token contains an encrypted token for deployment.

To generate a new token stored in clipboard use:

echo "$(wl-paste)" | gpg --encrypt -r [email protected]

Keeping an encrypted token in the repo sources is for the convenience of being able to publish the site no matter in which VCS platform I decide to host this repository.

Hugo cheatsheet

To create new post

hugo new --kind chapter posts/article-name/

To create content pages:

hugo new folder/

Both asciidocs and markdown contents are supported.

To serve:

hugo serve

To build the website:


Or use the convenience scripts instead.


Darío Cutillas personal blog



