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potatoqualitee committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 6a198b3 commit 9765c9f
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 167 deletions.
285 changes: 118 additions & 167 deletions .aider/prompts/
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@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
# Tasks
# Pester v5 Test Standards

1. **Restructure Test Code:**
- Move all test code into appropriate blocks: `It`, `BeforeAll`, `BeforeEach`, `AfterAll`, or `AfterEach`.
- Place any file setup code into the appropriate blocks at the beginning of each test file.
## Core Requirements
#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.0"}
param($ModuleName = "dbatools")
$global:TestConfig = Get-TestConfig
These three lines must start every test file.

2. **Write Clear Test Hierarchies**
- Each `Describe` block should represent a unit of functionality
- Each `Context` block should represent a specific scenario or state
- All test code should be inside `It` blocks
- Avoid loose code in `Describe` or `Context` blocks
## Test Structure

### Describe Blocks
- Name your Describe blocks with static command names
- Include appropriate tags (`-Tag "UnitTests"` or `-Tag "IntegrationTests"`)
- One command per Describe block

# ❌ Avoid this
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" {
$results = Get-DbaDatabase # Loose code!
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" -Tag "UnitTests" {
# tests here

Context "Basic tests" {
$databases = $results # More loose code!
### Context Blocks
- Describe specific scenarios or states
- Use clear, descriptive names that explain the test scenario
- Example: "When getting all databases", "When database is offline"

It "Returns results" {
$databases | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
### Test Code Placement
- All setup code goes in `BeforeAll` or `BeforeEach` blocks
- All cleanup code goes in `AfterAll` or `AfterEach` blocks
- All test assertions go in `It` blocks
- No loose code in `Describe` or `Context` blocks

# ✅ Do this instead
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" {
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
Context "When getting all databases" {
BeforeAll {
$results = Get-DbaDatabase
Expand All @@ -39,172 +46,116 @@ Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" {

3. **Refactor Skip Conditions:**
- Move skip logic outside of `BeforeAll` blocks.
- Use global read-only variables for skip conditions where appropriate.
- Ensure that `-Skip` parameters evaluate to `$true` or `$false`, not a string.

4. **Update `TestCases`:**
- Define `TestCases` in a way that is compatible with Pester v5's discovery phase.

5. **Update Assertion Syntax:**
- Replace assertions like `Should Be` with `Should -Be`.
- Update other assertion operators as needed (e.g., `Should Throw` to `Should -Throw`).

6. **Modify `InModuleScope` Usage:**
- Remove `InModuleScope` from around `Describe` and `It` blocks.
- Use the `-ModuleName` parameter on `Mock` commands where possible.

7. **Update `Invoke-Pester` Calls:**
- Modify `Invoke-Pester` parameters to align with Pester v5's simple or advanced interface.
- **Do not use the Legacy parameter set**, as it is deprecated and may not work correctly.
## TestCases
Use the `-ForEach` parameter in `It` blocks for multiple test cases:

8. **Adjust Mocking Syntax:**
- Update any mock definitions to Pester v5 syntax.

9. **Remove Parameter Testing Using `knownparameters`:**
- Identify any existing "Validate parameters" contexts that use `knownparameters` sections
- Remove the entire "Validate parameters" context and replace it with the Pester v5 approach using `Should -HaveParameter`, as shown in the example Pester v5 test script.

10. **Use TestCases Whenever Possible:**
- Look for opportunities to use TestCases in the test code.
- Convert existing tests to use TestCases when applicable.
- Define TestCases using the `ForEach` parameter in the `It` block, as shown in the example below.
It "Should calculate correctly" -ForEach @(
@{ Input = 1; Expected = 2 }
@{ Input = 2; Expected = 4 }
@{ Input = 3; Expected = 6 }
) {
$result = Get-Double -Number $Input
$result | Should -Be $Expected

## Instructions
## Style Guidelines
- Use double quotes for strings (we're a SQL Server module)
- Array declarations should be on multiple lines:
$array = @(
- Skip conditions must evaluate to `$true` or `$false`, not strings
- Use `$global:` instead of `$script:` for test configuration variables when required for Pester v5 scoping
- Avoid script blocks in Where-Object when possible:

- **Variable Scoping:**
- Replace all `$script:` variable scopes with `$global:` where required for Pester v5 scoping.
# Good - direct property comparison
$master = $databases | Where-Object Name -eq "master"
$systemDbs = $databases | Where-Object Name -in "master", "model", "msdb", "tempdb"
- **Comments and Debugging Notes:**
- Leave comments like `#$TestConfig.instance2 for appveyor` intact for debugging purposes.
# Required - script block for Parameters.Keys
$actualParameters = $command.Parameters.Keys | Where-Object { $PSItem -notin "WhatIf", "Confirm" }

- **SQL Server-Specific Scenarios:**
- If you encounter any SQL Server-specific testing scenarios that require special handling, implement the necessary adjustments while maintaining the integrity of the tests.
- DO NOT use `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name` to get command names
- DO NOT use the old `knownParameters` validation approach
- DO NOT include loose code outside of proper test blocks
- DO NOT remove comments like "#TestConfig.instance3" or "#$TestConfig.instance2 for appveyor"

- **Consistency with Example:**
- Follow the structure and conventions used in the example Pester v5 test script provided below.
## Examples

## Example Pester v5 Test Script
### Good Parameter Test

#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.0"}
param($ModuleName = 'dbatools')
$global:TestConfig = Get-TestConfig
Describe "Measure-DbaDiskSpaceRequirement" -Tag "UnitTests" {
Context "Parameter validation" {
BeforeAll {
$command = Get-Command $TestConfig.CommandName
$expectedParameters = @(
$actualParameters = $command.Parameters | Where-Object Keys -notin 'WhatIf', 'Confirm'
It "Should have the expected number of parameters" {
$difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedParameters -DifferenceObject $actualParameters.Keys
$difference | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# You can still include your individual parameter checks too
It "Has parameter: <_>" -ForEach $expectedParameters {
$command | Should -HaveParameter $PSItem
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" -Tag "UnitTests" {
Context "Parameter validation" {
BeforeAll {
$command = Get-Command Get-DbaDatabase
$expectedParameters = $TestConfig.CommonParameters
$expectedParameters += @(
It "Should have exactly the expected parameters" {
$actualParameters = $command.Parameters.Keys | Where-Object { $PSItem -notin "WhatIf", "Confirm" }
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedParameters -DifferenceObject $actualParameters | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Has parameter: <_>" -ForEach $expectedParameters {
$command | Should -HaveParameter $PSItem

Describe "Measure-DbaDiskSpaceRequirement" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
Context "Successfully connects using newly created login" -ForEach $TestConfig.Instances {
### Good Integration Test
Describe "Get-DbaDatabase" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
Context "When connecting to SQL Server" -ForEach $TestConfig.Instances {
BeforeAll {
$loginName = "dbatoolsci_login_$(Get-Random)"
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "P@ssw0rd$(Get-Random)" -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = [PSCredential]::new($loginName, $securePassword)
New-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $PSItem -Login $loginName -Password $securePassword -Confirm:$false
$databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $PSItem
AfterAll {
Remove-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $PSItem -Login $loginName -Confirm:$false
It "Returns database objects with required properties" {
$databases | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database
$databases[0].Name | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Connects successfully" {
$instance = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $PSItem -SqlCredential $credential
$instance.Name | Should -Be $PSItem.Split('\')[0]
It "Always includes system databases" {
$systemDbs = $databases | Where-Object Name -in "master", "model", "msdb", "tempdb"
$systemDbs.Count | Should -Be 4

## Example Pester v5 Test Script with TestCases

#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.0"}
param($ModuleName = 'dbatools')
$global:TestConfig = Get-TestConfig
Describe "Measure-DbaSomething" {
It "Should calculate the correct result" -ForEach @(
@{ Input1 = 1; Input2 = 2; Expected = 3 }
@{ Input1 = 2; Input2 = 3; Expected = 5 }
@{ Input1 = 3; Input2 = 4; Expected = 7 }
) {
$result = Add-Numbers -Number1 $Input1 -Number2 $Input2
$result | Should -Be $Expected

## Additional Guidelines
* Start with `#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.0"}` like in the example above
* Second line must be `param($ModuleName = 'dbatools')` like in the example above
* -Skip:(whatever) should return true or false, not a string
* Update our Contexts to be more descriptive of the tests

## Style and instructions

Remember to REMOVE the knownparameters and validate parameters this way:
### Good parameter splat usage
- Use splatting for commands with 4+ parameters
- Use $splat/@splat variable names

It "Has parameter: <_>" -ForEach $expectedParameters {
$command | Should -HaveParameter $PSItem
# Good - direct parameters for 1-3 parameters
$ag = New-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $instance -Login $loginName -Password $password
# Good - splatting for 4+ parameters
$splat = @{
Primary = $TestConfig.instance3
Name = $agname
ClusterType = "None"
FailoverMode = "Manual"
Certificate = "dbatoolsci_AGCert"
Confirm = $false

## DO NOT list parameters like this

$parms = @('SqlInstance','SqlCredential','Database')

## DO list parameters like this

$parms = @(

## Important instructions

$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

The static command name provided in the prompt

Double quotes when possible. We are a SQL Server module and single quotes are reserved in T-SQL.

Add back constants.ps1 or the old style $knownParameters test: we removed those requirements
$ag = New-DbaAvailabilityGroup @splat
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions private/testing/Get-TestConfig.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,5 +65,7 @@ function Get-TestConfig {
$config['CommandName'] = "Unknown"

$config['CommonParameters'] = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters


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