Use Python script to separate cropped segmentation parts and use it for semantic segmentation labels
python -m ecology_semantic_segmentation.dataset.utils
After finding too many such cases (~150 manually fixed examples), I have FINALLY decided to write a program to solve the problem!
python -m ecology_semantic_segmentation.dataset.bbox_masks_problem
Using U-Net models from segmentation_models_pytorch
pip install segmentation_models_pytorch
ML Training Set - AlvaradoLab annotated data - composite segmentation Cichlid Collection - AlvaradoLab annotated data - composite segmentation SUIM - semantic segmentation with >1 fish per image Deep Fish - fish_tray_images - Accurately labeled sharp masks - Semantic segmentation with >1 fish per image
Resnet34 Resnet50 DeepLabv3Plus
Link to trained models:
, IMG_SIZE=256
, ORGANS="whole_body"
flags to control training and debugging training code
Using batch sizes as multiples of 9 gives most efficient use of GPU space
ORGANS=whole_body,ventral_side,dorsal_side python -m ecology_semantic_segmentation.train_multiclass --batch_size 54
python -m ecology_semantic_segmentation.train --batch_size 54
Learning Rate Scheduling for Adam: 0.0003 to start, re-define for every checkpoint resume manually using script parameter
Uses Dice score for accuracy
python -m ecology_semantic_segmentation.test --models <MODELDIR>
4-Connected lines from Photoshop annotation + 8-Connected lines from cv2 Polygon annotation = Anti-Aliased edges in CNN model result
- high-resolution
- Supersampling
- Intensity decisions based on object overlap
- Line intensity assignment differences between straight and diagonal lines