This is an image and text messaging application with many other features, give it a try to know more.
To make this code run you have to do some configurations like:
- Import this project in ide like Android Studio.
- Connect with firebase as this application uses firebase's Authentication, realtime database, firebase function and storage, Create an account on firebase if you don't have already.
- Create project in firebase and connect this application with it and initialise phone authentication, storage, realtime database, and unable an firebase function extension named Resize Images and configure it's sizes of resized images to 450x474 and set deletion of original file to true (NOTE: soon firebase funcitons are going to be paid so i too will be replacing this extension with some code which will do it's job, so use this till its free).
- And if you have configured firebase from android studio setled up these services of firebase as mentioned above than all is good now start entending this project, else if you have't configured firebase with android studio than its important to put google-services.json file in app directory of this project you will get option of downloading this file when you will create project in firebase or as mentioned above if you are using android studio to configure firebase than you don't have to worry about it.