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RekaMocsai edited this page May 1, 2023 · 10 revisions


name library description return required for
readline readline.h reads a line from the terminal and returns it NULL if EOF, empty for empty line, returns text of line as char*, needs to be free'd reading input from the terminal, allowing it to be edited before processed by shell
rl_clear_history readline.h Clears the history list of previous input void Useful for resetting the history list between commands or sessions
rl_on_new_line readline.h reset prompt
rl_replace_line readline.h Replaces the current input line with a new one. if empty str: command line buffer is cleared
rl_redisplay readline.h display prompt again
add_history readline.h Adds a line of text to the history list void Useful for adding previously entered commands to the history list
printf stdio.h Outputs text to the console int (the number of characters printed)
malloc stdlib.h Allocates a block of memory on the heap (size specified) void * (a pointer to the allocated memory)
free stdlib.h Deallocates a previously allocated block of memory void
write unistd.h Writes data to a file descriptor ssize_t (the number of bytes written) Useful for outputting text and data to files and other output destinations
access unistd.h Tests whether a file exists and can be accessed
open fcntl.h Opens a file and returns a file descriptor int (fd of the opened file) Used for opening files for reading or writing
read unistd.h Reads data from a file descriptor ssize_t (the number of bytes read) Used for reading data from files or other input sources
close unistd.h Closes a file descriptor int (0 if successful, otherwise -1 ) Used for closing file descriptors (when no longer needed)
fork unistd.h Creates a related new process (child) by duplicating the calling one (parent) pid_t In the parent process: the process ID of the child process, while in the child process it returns 0. -1 if error occured. Used for creating new processes to run shell commands in (otherwise the parent process would be replaced and terminated - ending the program)
wait sys/wait.h Waits for a child process to terminate pid_t (the process ID of the terminated child) or -1 if no children are there to wait for Used for synchronizing the execution of multiple processes in a shell
waitpid sys/wait.h Waits for a specific child process to terminate pid_t (the process ID of the terminated child) Used for synchronizing the execution of specific child processes in a shell
wait3 sys/wait.h
wait4 sys/wait.h
signal signal.h Sets a signal handler function for a specific signal. Sigaction is better but needs a new struct sighandler_t (the previous signal handler function) Used for handling signals, such as interrupts or errors
sigaction signal.h Sets a signal handler function with additional options for a specific signal struct sigaction* (the previous signal action) Similar to signal(), but provides more options for handling signals
sigemptyset signal.h Initializes a signal set to be empty int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise)
sigaddset signal.h
kill signal.h Sends a signal to a process or group of processes int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Used for sending a signal to a process, such as terminating it or requesting it to perform a specified action (by sighandler func)
exit stdlib.h Terminates the current process void Useful for terminating the shell or a child process when it has finished executing
getcwd unistd.h Gets the current working directory of the process char* (a pointer to a string containing the directory path)
chdir unistd.h Changes the current working directory of the process int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Used for changing the current working directory, which affects the location of file paths used in the shell
stat sys/stat.h Gets information about a file int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Used for getting information: size, permissions, and modification time
lstat sys/stat.h Gets information about a file, but does not follow symbolic links int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Similar to stat(), but does not follow symbolic links when getting information about a file
fstat sys/stat.h Gets information about a file from a file descriptor int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Similar to stat(), but gets information about a file from a file descriptor instead of a file path
unlink unistd.h Deletes a file or symbolic link int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Used for deleting a file or symbolic link from the file system
execve unistd.h Replaces the current process with a new one. Old process terminates!!! int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise) Used for running shell commands by replacing the current process with the one that executes the command
dup unistd.h Duplicates a file descriptor int (a new file descriptor that refers to the same file
dup2 unistd.h
pipe unistd.h
strerror string.h Gets a string describing an error code char* (a pointer to a string describing the error code)
perror stdio.h Prints an error message to stderr with a prefix void
isatty unistd.h Checks whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
ttyname unistd.h Gets the name of the terminal device associated with a file descriptor char* (a pointer to a string containing the name of the terminal)
getenv stdlib.h gets an environment variable specified as argument if found, returns value string, NULL if there is no match used to find the full path to functions
tcsetattr termios.h Sets the terminal attributes for a file descriptor int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise)
tcgetattr termios.h Gets the terminal attributes for a file descriptor int (0 if successful, -1 otherwise)

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