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pin Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream version to avoid incompatibil… #173

pin Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream version to avoid incompatibil…

pin Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream version to avoid incompatibil… #173

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GitHub Actions / Contextive Language Server Tests (net7.0.x - Linux) succeeded Jan 12, 2024 in 0s

Contextive Language Server Tests (net7.0.x - Linux) ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ src/core/Contextive.Core.Tests/TestResults/TestResults.Contextive.Core-7.0.x-Linux.xml

27 tests were completed in 1s with 27 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Core.Candidate Terms Tests.Candidate Term Finding Tests 5✅ 267ms
Core.Definitions Tests 4✅ 18ms
Core.Definitions Tests.Parsing Errors 3✅ 2ms
Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing 9✅ 231ms
Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing.Multi-line context name 6✅ 10ms

✅ Core.Candidate Terms Tests.Candidate Term Finding Tests

✅ Token camelCase: finds candidates [("camel", seq ["camel"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]);
 ("camelCase", seq ["camel"; "Case"])]
✅ Token firstword: finds candidates [("firstword", seq ["firstword"])]
✅ Token PascalCase: finds candidates [("Pascal", seq ["Pascal"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]);
 ("PascalCase", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"])]
✅ Token PascalCaseId: finds candidates [("Pascal", seq ["Pascal"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]); ("Id", seq ["Id"]);
 ("PascalCase", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"]); ("CaseId", seq ["Case"; "Id"]);
 ("PascalCaseId", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"; "Id"])]
✅ Token snake_case: finds candidates [("snake", seq ["snake"]); ("case", seq ["case"]);
 ("snakecase", seq ["snake"; "case"])]

✅ Core.Definitions Tests

✅ Context has default
✅ Context with new terms has new terms
✅ Definitions has default
✅ Term has default

✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Parsing Errors

✅ Error when file is empty
✅ Error with extra colon typo
✅ Error with unexpected key

✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing

✅ Can Parse Context Domain Vision Statement
✅ Can Parse Context Name
✅ Can Parse Context Paths
✅ Can Parse Term Aliases
✅ Can Parse Term Definition
✅ Can Parse Term Examples
✅ Can Parse Term Name
✅ Empty List parses as empty list instead of null
✅ Minimal parse has parse defaults

✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing.Multi-line context name

✅ Folded, Chomp
✅ Folded, Clip
✅ Folded, Keep
✅ Literal, Chomp
✅ Literal, Clip
✅ Literal, Keep