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Add diagnostic logging to resolve ci windows test run issue. #175

Add diagnostic logging to resolve ci windows test run issue.

Add diagnostic logging to resolve ci windows test run issue. #175

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GitHub Actions / Contextive VsCode Extension Tests (net7.0.x - Linux) succeeded Jan 12, 2024 in 1s

Contextive VsCode Extension Tests (net7.0.x - Linux) ✅

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
src/vscode/contextive/TestResults/TestResults-Multi-Root-7.0.x-Linux.xml 2✅ 861ms
src/vscode/contextive/TestResults/TestResults-Single-Root-7.0.x-Linux.xml 13✅ 5s

✅ src/vscode/contextive/TestResults/TestResults-Multi-Root-7.0.x-Linux.xml

2 tests were completed in 861ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Completion in a root 2✅ 821ms
Multi-Root Workspace 0ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Completion in a root

finds terms for rootA
  ✅ Multi-Root Workspace Completion in a root finds terms for rootA
finds terms for rootB
  ✅ Multi-Root Workspace Completion in a root finds terms for rootB

✅ src/vscode/contextive/TestResults/TestResults-Single-Root-7.0.x-Linux.xml

13 tests were completed in 5s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Contextive Activation Tests 4✅ 483ms
Contextive Completion Tests 1✅ 187ms
Hover Tests 2✅ 1s
Initialize Tests 5✅ 2s
Invalid Schema Tests 1✅ 511ms
Root Suite 0ms
Single-Root Workspace 0ms

✅ Contextive Activation Tests

Contextive is Active
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Contextive Activation Tests Contextive is Active
CSharp Extension is Active
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Contextive Activation Tests CSharp Extension is Active
Extension has path config
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Contextive Activation Tests Extension has path config
Language Client becomes Ready
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Contextive Activation Tests Language Client becomes Ready

✅ Contextive Completion Tests

Completion returns expected list
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Contextive Completion Tests Completion returns expected list

✅ Hover Tests

Hover returns expected content
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Hover Tests Hover returns expected content
Contextive Hover results appear last
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Hover Tests Contextive Hover results appear last

✅ Initialize Tests

Extension has Initialize Project Command
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Initialize Tests Extension has Initialize Project Command
When config is undefined, and default definitions file doesn't exist, initialize Command should create and open in default location
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Initialize Tests When config is undefined, and default definitions file doesn't exist, initialize Command should create and open in default location
When definitions file exists, Initialize Command should open existing file
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Initialize Tests When definitions file exists, Initialize Command should open existing file
When config is defined, and definitions file doesn't exist, Initialize Command should create and open in configured location
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Initialize Tests When config is defined, and definitions file doesn't exist, Initialize Command should create and open in configured location
New definitions file should show new term in completion
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Initialize Tests New definitions file should show new term in completion

✅ Invalid Schema Tests

Should recover from an invalid schema
  ✅ Single-Root Workspace Invalid Schema Tests Should recover from an invalid schema