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GitHub Actions / Contextive Language Server Tests (net7.0.x - Windows)
Mar 9, 2024 in 1s
174 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ src/core/Contextive.Core.Tests/TestResults/TestResults.Contextive.Core-7.0.x-Windows.xml
27 tests were completed in 22s with 27 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Core.Candidate Terms Tests.Candidate Term Finding Tests | 5✅ | 1s | ||
Core.Definitions Tests | 4✅ | 19ms | ||
Core.Definitions Tests.Parsing Errors | 3✅ | 147ms | ||
Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing | 9✅ | 411ms | ||
Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing.Multi-line context name | 6✅ | 10ms |
✅ Core.Candidate Terms Tests.Candidate Term Finding Tests
✅ Token camelCase: finds candidates [("camel", seq ["camel"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]);
("camelCase", seq ["camel"; "Case"])]
✅ Token firstword: finds candidates [("firstword", seq ["firstword"])]
✅ Token PascalCase: finds candidates [("Pascal", seq ["Pascal"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]);
("PascalCase", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"])]
✅ Token PascalCaseId: finds candidates [("Pascal", seq ["Pascal"]); ("Case", seq ["Case"]); ("Id", seq ["Id"]);
("PascalCase", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"]); ("CaseId", seq ["Case"; "Id"]);
("PascalCaseId", seq ["Pascal"; "Case"; "Id"])]
✅ Token snake_case: finds candidates [("snake", seq ["snake"]); ("case", seq ["case"]);
("snakecase", seq ["snake"; "case"])]
✅ Core.Definitions Tests
✅ Context has default
✅ Context with new terms has new terms
✅ Definitions has default
✅ Term has default
✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Parsing Errors
✅ Error when file is empty
✅ Error with extra colon typo
✅ Error with unexpected key
✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing
✅ Can Parse Context Domain Vision Statement
✅ Can Parse Context Name
✅ Can Parse Context Paths
✅ Can Parse Term Aliases
✅ Can Parse Term Definition
✅ Can Parse Term Examples
✅ Can Parse Term Name
✅ Empty List parses as empty list instead of null
✅ Minimal parse has parse defaults
✅ Core.Definitions Tests.Successful Parsing.Multi-line context name
✅ Folded, Chomp
✅ Folded, Clip
✅ Folded, Keep
✅ Literal, Chomp
✅ Literal, Clip
✅ Literal, Keep
✅ src/language-server/Contextive.LanguageServer.Tests/TestResults/TestResults.Contextive.LanguageServer-7.0.x-Windows.xml
147 tests were completed in 8s with 147 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests
✅ Completion Kind Is Reference
✅ Given no contextive respond with empty completion list
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests.Detail Completion
✅ Context "" has detail ""
✅ Context "context name" has detail "context name Context"
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests.Documentation Completion
✅ Context "term": "" has expected documentation
✅ Context "term": "Some(some Definition)" has expected documentation
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests.File reading tests
✅ Given one contextive, in document at position (line: 0, char: 0) respond with expected completion list
✅ Given two contextive, in document at position (line: 0, char: 0) respond with expected completion list
✅ Given two contextive, in document W at position (line: 0, char: 1) respond with expected completion list
✅ Given two contextive, in document WO at position (line: 0, char: 2) respond with expected completion list
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests.Multi Word Completion
✅ Completion of "multi word" with Some() at position, returns "["multiWord"; "MultiWord"; "multi_word"]"
✅ Completion of "Multi Word" with Some() at position, returns "["multiWord"; "MultiWord"; "multi_word"]"
✅ Completion of "multi word" with Some(m) at position, returns "["multiWord"; "multi_word"]"
✅ Completion of "multi word" with Some(M) at position, returns "["MultiWord"; "MULTI_WORD"]"
✅ Completion of "Multi Word" with Some(m) at position, returns "["multiWord"; "multi_word"]"
✅ Completion of "Multi Word" with Some(M) at position, returns "["MultiWord"; "MULTI_WORD"]"
✅ Completion of "multi word" with Some(MU) at position, returns "["MULTIWORD"; "MULTI_WORD"]"
✅ Completion of "Multi Word" with Some(MU) at position, returns "["MULTIWORD"; "MULTI_WORD"]"
✅ LanguageServer.Completion Tests.Single Word Completion
✅ Completion of "term" with at position, returns "term"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some() at position, returns "term"
✅ Completion of "Term" with Some() at position, returns "Term"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some(t) at position, returns "term"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some(T) at position, returns "Term"
✅ Completion of "Term" with Some(t) at position, returns "term"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some(Te) at position, returns "Term"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some(TE) at position, returns "TERM"
✅ Completion of "term" with Some(TEr) at position, returns "Term"
✅ LanguageServer.Configuration Tests
✅ Can handle client that doesn't support didChangeConfiguration
✅ Can handle configuration value changing
✅ Can receive configuration value
✅ LanguageServer.Definitions File Tests
✅ Can load multi-context definitions
✅ Can load term Definitions
✅ Can load term Names
✅ Can load term UsageExamples
✅ LanguageServer.Definitions File Tests.Can load definition from correct context
✅ with path /primary, expecting [termInPrimary]
✅ with path /secondary, expecting [termInSecondary]
✅ with path /some/path, expecting []
✅ with path /some/path/test_dot_cs, expecting []
✅ with path /some/path/with/primary_dot_txt, expecting [termInPrimary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/primary, expecting [termInPrimary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/primary/in/it_dot_txt, expecting [termInPrimary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/secondary_dot_txt, expecting [termInSecondary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/secondary, expecting [termInSecondary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/secondary/in/it_dot_txt, expecting [termInSecondary]
✅ with path /some/path/with/test_dot_js, expecting [termInPrimary]
✅ LanguageServer.Definitions File Tests.Can recover from invalid definitions
✅ invalid_empty
✅ invalid_schema
✅ invalid_schema2
✅ no_file
✅ LanguageServer.Definitions File Tests.Can recover from invalid definitions when config changes
✅ invalid_empty
✅ invalid_schema
✅ invalid_schema2
✅ no_file
✅ LanguageServer.Definitions Initialization Tests
✅ Initialization command creates default definitions file at configured path
✅ Initialization command opens existing definitions file without changing it
✅ Initialization command opens new definitions file
✅ LanguageServer.File Loader Tests
✅ Path Doesn't exist
✅ Path exists
✅ Path is in error state
✅ LanguageServer.Hover Tests
✅ Given no definitions and no document sync, server response to hover request with empty result
✅ Test hover with context info and no match
✅ LanguageServer.Hover Tests.Less relevant term NOT found when hovering
✅ Given definitions 'CombinedWord' and document open, server responds to hover request without the less relevant 'combined' in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ Given definitions 'CombinedWord' and document open, server responds to hover request without the less relevant 'word' in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ LanguageServer.Hover Tests.Nothing found when hovering
✅ Given definitions ' anothernotterm' and document open, server responds to hover request with no content in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ Given definitions '' and document open, server responds to hover request with no content in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ Given definitions 'firstTerm NotATerm' and document open, server responds to hover request with no content in (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ Given definitions 'NotATerm' and document open, server responds to hover request with no content in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ Given definitions 'Something' and document open, server responds to hover request with no content in (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ LanguageServer.Hover Tests.Term found when hovering in opened docs at Positions
✅ Given definitions file 'empty_terms_list' and file contents 'single', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 0) with 'single'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'AnotherCombinedWord', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 1) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'AnotherCombinedWord', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 1) with 'CombinedWord'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'anotherWord', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 1) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'combined_word', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 1) with 'CombinedWord'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'CombinedWordId', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 1) with 'CombinedWord'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'octopi', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 0) with 'octopus'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original another word', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 11) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original another', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 10) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 0) with 'original'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'Original', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 0) with 'original'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original\nanother', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 1, char: 5) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original\nword\nanother', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 2, char: 4) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original\r\nanother', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 1, char: 5) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'original\r\nword\r\nanother', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 2, char: 5) with 'another'
✅ Given definitions file 'three' and file contents 'originals', server responds to hover request at Position (line: 0, char: 0) with 'original'
✅ LanguageServer.Initialization Tests
✅ Can Initialize Language Server
✅ Has Correct ServerInfo Name
✅ Server does NOT load contextive file from relative location without workspace
✅ Server loads contextive file from absolute location without workspace
✅ Server loads contextive file from default location when no configuration supplied
✅ Server loads contextive file from relative location with workspace
✅ LanguageServer.Path Resolver Tests
✅ No Workspace, no path
✅ No Workspace, non-root path
✅ No Workspace, Process Shell path
✅ No Workspace, Root path
✅ Process Error
✅ Workspace, non-root path
✅ Workspace, Process Shell path
✅ Workspace, Root path
✅ LanguageServer.Rendering Tests
✅ Render fully defined Context
✅ Render multiple Contexts
✅ Render vision statement with newline at the end
✅ Render vision statement with whitespace at the end
✅ LanguageServer.Rendering Tests.Render Terms
✅ Terms: [First; Term]
✅ Terms: [firstTerm]
✅ Terms: [Second; Term]
✅ Terms: [SecondTerm]
✅ Terms: [termWithAlias]
✅ Terms: [termWithAliases]
✅ Terms: [TermWithExamples; AnotherTermWithExamples]
✅ Terms: [ThirdTerm]
✅ Terms: [ThirdTermWithLeadingWhitespaceInUsage]
✅ Terms: [ThirdTermWithTrailingNewLineInUsage]
✅ Terms: [ThirdTermWithTrailingWhitespaceInUsage]
✅ LanguageServer.TextDocument Tests
✅ Given changed text document, can find text document
✅ Given Closed document, text document not found
✅ Given Saved document, can find text document
✅ Server supports full sync
✅ LanguageServer.TextDocument Tests.Given open text document, can find text document
✅ complex
✅ simple
✅ LanguageServer.TextDocument Tests.Wordfinding Tests
✅ argument: finds Some(firstelement) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ array: finds Some(firstelement) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ array: finds Some(secondelement) at position (line: 0, char: 15)
✅ braces: finds Some(firstelement) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ method: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 1)
✅ multiple words: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ multiple words: finds Some(secondword) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ multiple words: finds Some(secondword) at position (line: 0, char: 15)
✅ object arrow prop: finds Some(property) at position (line: 0, char: 11)
✅ object arrow: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 1)
✅ object method: finds Some(method) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ object prop clause: finds Some(property) at position (line: 0, char: 18)
✅ object property: finds Some(property) at position (line: 0, char: 10)
✅ object: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 1)
✅ out of range char: finds at position (line: 0, char: 50)
✅ out of range line: finds at position (line: 1, char: 0)
✅ position at end: finds at position (line: 0, char: 21)
✅ position at end: finds Some(secondword) at position (line: 0, char: 20)
✅ position on space: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 9)
✅ sentence: finds Some(word) at position (line: 0, char: 1)
✅ single word: finds Some(firstword) at position (line: 0, char: 0)
✅ single word: finds Some(secondword) at position (line: 1, char: 0)
✅ yaml key: finds Some(key) at position (line: 0, char: 1)
✅ LanguageServer.Watched File Tests
✅ Server registers to receive watched file changes
✅ Server reloads when the contextive file changes
✅ Server reloads when the contextive file is created
✅ LanguageServer.Watched File Tests.Server registers to receive watched file changes on new config
✅ when config changes to nonexistentfile_yml
✅ when config changes to three_yml