A python package to simplify the comparison of clinical measurement methods, with focus on measurement uncertainty. Calculates several metrics and generate plots to easily quantify and visualize clinical value of new measurement methods.
The idea behind UncertMedCompare is to provide:
Support for uncertain measurement methods. Measured values may be estimates of the true value and have some uncertainty (referred as soft, for example heart Ejection Fraction). They may also be directly the true value (referred as hard, for example patient age). Soft measurement values are treated with Bland-Altman analyses that account for errors in the measurement methods. Hard measurement values are treated with Ordinary Least Squares regression. See this article from Bland and Altman (section "Regression Lines") that explain why ordinary least squares regression lines should not be used when the reference values are uncertain.
Metrics that are independent of the test data. This is achieved by using inverse weighting of the samples. This is illustrated in
where MAE, R2, etc. get independent of the data distribution when using inverse weighting. -
Metrics that are calculated over a specific range of interest. For a clinical measurement, it might be relevant to compare methods within a specific range of values, for example corresponding to a specific group of patients or a specific clinical problem. UncertMedCompare allows to calculate metrics within a specified range of interest. This is illustrated in
Isolate accuracy and precision metrics. For measurement methods based on AI algorithms, it is important to isolate accuracy and precision. Indeed, the cost function when training an AI algorithm optimizes one scalar (which is often a proxy for the clinical task) although one seek for AI algorithms that are optimized for both accuracy and precision. In practice, both often gets optimized at the same time through backpropagation, but it is good for reporting and troubleshooting to quantify both.
- Soft measurement values through Bland-Altman analysis (see
):- Proportional bias (accuracy): Bland-Altman slope
- Fixed bias (accuracy): Bland-Altman mean error
- Random error (precision): Bland-Altman LoAs
- Soft measurement values through Least Products regression (see
) or Bland-Altman regression (seeexamples/bland_altman_regression.py
):- Proportional bias (accuracy): Regression slope
- Fixed bias (accuracy): Regression intercept
- Random error (precision): Pearson correlation coefficient
- Hard measurement values through Least Squares regression (see
):- Proportional bias (accuracy): Regression slope
- Fixed bias (accuracy): Regression intercept
- Random error (precision): Pearson correlation coefficient.
- Soft measurement values through Bland-Altman analysis (see
A model calibration functionality. There can be a proportional and/or fixed bias between the tow measurement methods being compared. Assuming that the reference method is unbiased, it is possible to calibrate the new method to remove its bias. This is illustrated in
, for both hard reference values (the calibration is performed from a regression plot point of view) and for soft reference values (the calibration is performed from a Aland-Altman point of view).
NOTE: The pearson correlation coefficient is very dependent on the range of the values, which is an issue when comparing
across different datasets. This limitation of the pearson correlation coefficient is explained in this other article
from Bland and Altman (section "The interpretation of correlation coefficients").
Specifying a range_of_interest
and setting weighting="inverse"
can mitigate this issue.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from UncertMedCompare.continuous_comparator import ContinuousComparator
gt = np.random.uniform(20, 80, 1000)
x = gt + np.random.normal(0, 2, len(gt))
y = gt + np.random.normal(0, 2, len(gt))
comparator = ContinuousComparator(reference_method_measurements=x, # Measurements with the reference method
new_method_measurements=y, # Measurements with the new method
range_of_interest=[30, 70], # Range of values to calculate the metrics on. Default: None
binwidth=1, # Discretize the values
reference_method_type="soft", # "soft" or "hard"
weighting="inverse", # Weighting strategy. Default is None
limit_of_agreement=1.96, # LoA for the Bland-Altman plot
confidence_interval=95, # Confidence interval for all metrics. Default 95% two sided
bootstrap_samples=1000) # Number of bootstrap samples. Default is 10000.
comparator.fit_linear_regression() # Calculate regression slope and intercept
comparator.fit_bland_altman() # Calculate mean error and LoAs with CIs
comparator.calculate_error_metrics() # Calculate mean error and std
comparator.calculate_regression_metrics() # Calculate MAE, R2, RMSE
comparator.bootstrap_error_metrics() # Calculate mean error and std with CIs
comparator.bootstrap_regression_metrics() # Calculate MAE, R2, RMSE with CIs
print(comparator.metrics) # Get all the calculated metrics
print(comparator.heteroscedasticity_info) # Get heteroscedasticity info
# Plot regression and Bland-Altman analysis
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 7.5))
comparator.plot_regression(xlim=[0, 100], ylim=[0, 100], # Plotlims
ax=axs[0], # Axes object from matplotlib.pyplot
title="Regression example") # Subplot title
comparator.plot_bland_altman(xlim=[0, 100], ylim=[-50, 50],
title="Bland-Altman example")
# Plot for qualitative check of heteroscedasticity
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 7.5))
comparator.plot_heteroscedasticity(xlim=[0, 100], ylim=[0, 20],
title="Heteroscedasticity investigation")
Visit the examples
for more details.
NOTE 1: Inverse weighting is the extension of balanced accuracy from classification tasks to regression task. That simple.
NOTE 2: When the magnitude of the random error in the reference and new values is different, there appears a linear trend in the Bland-Altman plot as explained here.
NOTE 3: UncertMedCompare has an implementation of Ordinary Least Products (also called Reduced Major Axis) regression that accounts for soft reference values. Alternatively, regression can be performed in the Bland-Altman space (difference vs. means) to account for the soft reference values. Geometrically, the Bland-Altman plot is a simple 45 degrees rotation of the Method A vs. Method B plot.
NOTE 4: All major functionalities come together with a test. Running the tests is also a good way to understand how the package works.
If you want to use the package in other projects, this can be achieved by installing the package directly from the git repository or from source. Use this steps if you plan to use the package without developing, running examples or tests.
Option 1: Directly from repo using pip install
First ensure that pip is up-to-date:
pip install --upgrade pip # Make sure pip is up to date first
Install with pip:
pip install UncertMedCompare
Or install the package directly from the GitHub repository
pip install git+https://github.com/dfpasdel/UncertMedCompare.git
Option 2: From source
You can also install it from source by cloning the repo from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/dfpasdel/UncertMedCompare.git
cd UncertMedCompare
pip install -e .
Follow this step if you want to run examples, tests or contribute to the code.
1. Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/dfpasdel/UncertMedCompare.git
2. Setup virtual environment Enter the UncertMedCompare source code
cd UncertMedCompare
Run the following to setup a virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m virtualenv venv
A guide for packages with pip and virtual environments can be found here.
3. Install requirements
pip install --upgrade pip # Make sure pip is up to date first
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Once UncertMedCompare is setup for development, you can try to run various examples and tests.
Run example:
cd examples
python3 least_square_regression.py
Run tests:
cd tests
python3 run_all_tests.py