Welcome to the oVirt System Tests source repository.
This repository is hosted on gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-system-tests and a backup of it is hosted on GitHub:ovirt-system-tests
Checkout the oVirt Sytem Tests Introduction page for more info about this project.
Patches are welcome!
Please submit patches to gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-system-tests. If you are not familiar with the review process for Gerrit patches you can read about Working with oVirt Gerrit on the oVirt website.
NOTE: We might not notice pull requests that you create on Github, because we only use Github for backups.
To submit a bug, suggest an enhancement or report a documentation issue for oVirt System Tests please join oVirt Development forum / mailing list and discuss there.
If you have any other questions, please join oVirt Development forum / mailing list and ask there.
For developers of OST, a quick flake8 and pylint runs are available to identify any syntax errors, typos, unused import etc.
To run the flake8/pylint, you'll need to have tox installed. To run pylint without import errors you should also have ovirtdsk4, lago and ansible-runner installed.
Running flake8 and pylint tests:
tox -e flake8,pylint