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Project skeleton for Dietcube


This package is a project skeleton for Dietcube.

composer create-project dietcube/project -s dev your-project

(your-project is a sample directory name for the project. Camelized name of the directory is used as your application namespace (e.g. YourProject\\).

Configuration File

edit app/config/config.php
edit app/config/config_{DIET_ENV}.php

Set debug mode on:


return [
    'debug' => true,



DIET_ENV is the ENV name.

If DIET_ENV is not set for any environment variable (Dietcube checks $_SERVER['DIET_ENV'] and getenv('DIET_ENV')), Dispatcher::getEnv() returns production by default.

Typically, development is used for development environment so dietcube-project's initialise script generates app/config/config_development.php for default development config file.

Example: Configuration of Web Server

For example, set DIET_ENV as development.

Apache Conf:

SetEnv DIET_ENV production

Nginx Conf (with php-fpm):

fastcgi_param  DIET_ENV production;

Run with PHP built-in server

DIET_ENV=development php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S 0:8080 -t webroot/