VR version of Profiling the Parks powered by the A-Frame VR framework.
Based on RJ Andrews's vizualization Profiling the Parks, a data-driven, hand drawn exploration of the US National Parks.
- Get digital elevation model (DEM) data for featured National Parks
- Create an AOI in QGIS or GeoJSON.io
- Crop the DEM data file to an area of interest (AOI) in QGIS
- Get visual imagery to use for texture (PlanetScope 3-band scene
- Merge the imagery in QGIS or using GDAL (gdal_merge, gdal_warp, gdal vrt) if single scene doesn't fill aoi
- Restart QGIS whenever it crashes
- Crop the visual imagery to the aoi
- Save as a jpg/png
- Use lunapic for crayon/drawing effect
- ASTER - NASA's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
- USGS National Map
- USGS Earth Explorer
- NASA EarthData Global Data Explorer
- NASA Reverb | Echo - NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System program next generation Earth science discovery tool
- gdalinfo
gdalinfo -mm {FILENAME}
- gdal_translate to ENVI file:
gdal_translate -scale 0 2470 0 65535 -ot UInt16 -outsize 200 200 -of ENVI {INPUT.tif} {OUTPUT.bin}
- gdalwarp
gdalwarp {INPUT1.tif} {INPUT2.tif} {MERGED.tif}