A kotlin multi-platform AMQP 0.9.1 client.
- ⚡ Powered by kotlin coroutines
- 🚀 Uses ktor
- 😎 Idiomatic Kotlin API
Warning Usagi is in Alpha, bugs may be ahead!
We are looking for contributors! If you are looking for a kotlin multiplatform AMQP client please consider opening PRs and Issues, it is very appreciated.
Requires Kotlin 1.8.20 and Java 8 if you're using the JVM artifact
- Latest Version: 1.0.0-rc.1
repositories {
maven("https://maven.dimensional.fun/releases") // or /snapshots
dependencies {
// common:
This API is not final, it may change in the future.
Create a Channel:
val connection = Usagi("amqp://localhost") {
properties { connectionName = "my-service" }
val channel = connection.channels.create()
?: error("Unable to create channel")
Using Exchanges & Queues
channel.exchange.declare {
exchange = "my-exchange"
val queueName = channel.queue.declare()?.queue
?: error("Unable to declare queue")
channel.queue.bind {
exchange = "my-exchange"
queue = queueName
routingKey = "my-routing-key"
Publishing Messages:
channel.basic.publish {
data = "Hello, World!".encodeToByteArray()
properties {
contentType = "text/plain"
options {
exchange = "my-exchange"
routingKey = "my-routing-key"
Consuming Messages:
val consumer = channel.basic.consume {
queue = queueName
consumer.forEach { delivery ->
println(delivery.data.decodeToString()) // >> 'Hello, World'
delivery.ack(multiple = false)
- a bit of the internal connection/channel code was adapted from the official rabbitmq java client
- amqp 0.9.1 spec
- amqp 0.9.1 doc