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Repository files navigation


This is a Git(Hub) multirepo maintenance tool, designed specifically for Divvun. But it should be quite useful to others needing to maintain tens (or hundreds) of similarly structured github repositories.

Using the gut apply -s <script> command, one can in practice run any git command on all repos (or a suitable subset, regex-selected on the repo names), not only the commands directly provided by gut.

We think it's pretty cool.


Download the latest nightly build:

Extract the archive, and move the binary to somewhere on your $PATH.

Building from source

  1. get Rust
  2. clone this repo: git clone
  3. cd gut
  4. cargo install --path .


  1. make a personal access token in GitHub - allow everything. Make sure to store it in a safe place - the token replaces your username and password when accessing GitHub via gut.
  2. run gut init -r <root-dir> -t <token>

<token> is the token created in step 1. above. The <root-dir> is the directory where you want to store all repos processed by gut. Below the <root-dir> dir, there will be one directory for every organisation you interact with, and within the organisation directory all repos are stored.

SSH access over the git protocoll

To use the git/ssh protocol, you need to set up an ssh key for GitHub. Follow these instructions.


NB! Please note that this is a potentially very powerful tool. Some commands require organisation owner permissions, and the most dangerous ones will require an explicit confirmation. If you get an error that the operation is not permitted, you probably do not have sufficient access to the repos involved.

There are some usage instructions under development.

Then there are some use cases with example commands here.

There is also some rudimentary help text. Run gut --help to get an overview.

In version 0.1.0 it reads:

$ gut --help         
gut 0.1.0
git multirepo maintenance tool

    gut <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       
            Prints help information

    -V, --version    
            Prints version information

    add         Add users, repos to an organisation/a team
    apply       Apply a script to all local repositories that match a pattern
    branch      Set default, set protected branch
    checkout    Checkout a branch all repositories that their name matches a pattern or a topic
    clean       Do git clean -f for all local repositories that match a pattern
    clone       Clone all repositories that matches a pattern
    commit      Add all and then commit with the provided messages for all repositories that match a pattern or a topic
    create      Create team, discussion, repo to an organisation or create a branch for repositories
    fetch       Fetch all local repositories that match a regex
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    hook        Create, delete hooks for all repositories that match a pattern
    init        Init configuration data
    invite      Invite users to an organisation by emails
    make        Make repositories that match a regex become public/private
    merge       Merge a branch to the current branch for all repositories that match a pattern
    pull        Pull the current branch of all local repositories that match a regex
    push        Push the provided branch to remote server for all repositories that match a pattern or a topic
    remove      Remove users, repos from an organisation/a team
    set         Set information, secret for repositories or permission for a team
    show        Show config, list of repositories or users
    status      Show git status of all repositories that match a pattern
    template    Apply changes or generate new template
    topic       Add, get, set or apply a script by topic
    transfer    Transfer repositories that match a regex to another organisation
    workflow    Run a workflow

Help text for subcommands with further details reads:

SUBCOMMANDS with additional arguments:
        repos       - Add all matched repositories to a team by using team_slug
        users       - Invite users by users' usernames to an organisation
        default     - Set a branch as default for all repositories that match a pattern
        protect     - Set a branch as protected for all local repositories that match a pattern
    ci          Continuous Integration
        export      - export data file for ci generate command
        generate    - generate ci for every repositories that matches
    create      Create team, discussion, repo to an organisation or create a branch for repositories
        branch      - Create a new branch for all repositories that match a regex or a topic
        discussion  - Create a discussion for a team in an organisation
        repo        - Create new repositories in an organisation and push for existing git repositories
        team        - Create a new team for an organisation
    hook        Create, delete hooks for all repositories that match a pattern
        create      - Create web hook for repos matching regex
        delete      - Delete all web hooks for all repository that match regex
    invite      Invite users to an organisation by emails
        users       - Invite users to an organisation by emails
    make        Make repositories that match a regex become public/private
    remove      Remove users, repos from an organisation/a team
        users       - Remove users by users' usernames from an organisation
    set         Set information, secret for repositories or permission for a team
        info        - Set description and/or website for all repositories that match regex, plain text or using a script
                      NB! Make sure there is no trailing newline at the end! Or it will fail.
        organisation- Set default organisation name for every other command
        permission  - Set access permissions for a team, for repos matching regex; matching repos will be added if not already in the team
        secret      - Set a secret all repositories that match regex
    show        Show config, list of repositories or users
        config      - Print configuration
        repositories- Show all repos matching regex   
        users       - Show all users in an organisation
    template    Apply changes or generate new template
        apply       - Apply changes from template to all repos that match the regex
        generate    - Generate a new project from a template
    topic       Add, get, set or apply a script by topic
        add      Add topics for all repositories that match a regex
        apply    Apply a script to all repositories that has a topics that match a pattern Or to all repositories that has a specific topic
        get      Get topics for all repositories that match a regex
        set      Set topics for all repositories that match a regex
    workflow    Run a workflow
        run         - Rerun the most recent workflow or send a repository_dispatch event to trigger workflows