This repository contains source code and markdown files for the documentation page of DJI Mobile SDK Developer Website:
If you come across any mistakes or bugs in the documentations, please let us know using a Github issue. Moreover, please feel free to send us Github pull request and help us fix any issues of this documentation website.
Note: Since it's hard to setup hexo environment in Windows, we suggest you to edit and preview the documentation on Mac here.
1. Install nvm (
curl -o- | bash
Note: nvm is shell script, which needs to be sourced in order to be available. To have it sourced in every terminal you open, put the following line in .bash_profile and save it:
. ~/.nvm/
You can enter the followings commands in terminal to open the bash_profile file and edit it:
touch ~/.bash_profile open ~/.bash_profile
nvm install 4.4.4
nvm use 4.4.4
sudo npm install -g hexo
cd /path/to/your/project/
npm install
cd /path/to/your/project/
hexo server
6. Visit http://localhost:4000 to preview the documentation content
sidebar_en.yml file defines the left navigator content, "sidebar_cn.yml" is for Chinese version
images folder stores images for docs
For other folders, they are your markdown files. You can edit them directly.
cn folder stores Chinese version docs, once you add any new docs for English, please copy paste the docs inside this folder to, otherwise, when the language of the website change, the page will become "404 page not found”
For example, refer links should be something like this: ../get-started/index.html
Image path should be something like this:

2. If meet problem of mixing code block and words in markdown file, try to check if space (check yellow part) exist behind "~~~” or "```” as shown below:
otherwise, the words and codes will mix together as shown below:
3. Don’t use tab in front of source code line (Use Space instead), otherwise, it will show as “true” in the webpage as shown below:
Please use
## Get Started -> Title
[link to Get Started](#get-started) ->title reference code
Instead of to jump to specific title inside a documentation.
We have rules to get the id (get-started). For example, the id of title Apply to be developer & (download) DJI-SDK should be apply-to-be-developer-download-dji-sdk. The id only contains character, numbers and – sign, for other symbols like &, *, (, ), etc, will be deleted. It uses – sign to connect the character and numbers.
Please use the following code style to implement the feature:
<a href=“Your website link" target="_blank”>Title shown in doc</a>.
For example:
The following code
<a href="" target="_blank">Phantom series</a>
will become link this: Phantom series
[Xcode Project Integration](/quick-start/index.html#Xcode-Project-Integration)
Note: quick-start is folder name, index.html is the markdown file name(rename md to html), #Xcode-Project-Integration is the title name inside the markdown file(Please add – between words and numbers), for the name inside [] is the name shown in the doc.
If you want to test the documentation in IE browser, you can run hexo on Mac and share the IP address of the documentation webpage to PC.
Open terminal, enter “ifconfig”, copy the IP address as shown below:
In Windows, open IE browser and enter the following address:
Note: ip is the address you just get above.
8. If you want to run two documentation pages at the same time, try to change the port as shown below:
hexo server -p 5000/4000/3000