Run the commands in requirements.txt to install the requirements
To cythonize run the command
python build_ext --inplace
This will generate,mrf.c,,ss_fuzzy.c
Now to run segmentation on a image you need a .pickle of the image which will have a 3 dimensional numpy array. the 3rd dimension denoting the spectral dimension of the image.
To run segmentaion change the following parameters in
- algo (can be fuzzy_c/mrf/db_scan)
- pickle_file (.pickle file for the input image)
- cluster_number (no of classes , will be used in fuzzy_c and mrf )
- output_file (file to store the output, in case of mrf and fuzzy_c outputs in form of .jpeg and .pickle will be stored for every iteration,for dbscan final output will be stored)
Now run the following command python