Building a concise list of technology conferences and conference venues in South Africa
Looking for a new open source project to work on? Well, I am looking for you!! I am looking for contributors to help maintain and build new features; source events, venues, and speakers. Anyone is welcome whether you are a developer, designer, project manager, or tester. I have a growing list of exciting (NOT!) features and bugs you can help me with.
npm install
npm run serve
Using Capacitor for native builds
- Download latest Xcode
npm run build
npx cap add ios
npx cap copy
npx cap open ios
Xcode takes a few minutes to index the files; keep an eye at the top of Xcode's window for progress.
[Not compulsory] For sanity check click on the play button in top left. This will prepare and run the app in a simulator, if all goes well you should be able to login and click around. If not, create an issue 🤷 and I will have a look.
Icons and launch images - Xcode (v11.5) cannot map icons listed in config.xml so this has to be done manually 😞. In the root folder look for Resources and select Images.xcassets. A panel will show up where you can select AppIcon to add app icons or LaunchImage to add launch images.
- Download latest Android Studio
npm run build
npx cap add android
npx cap copy
npx cap open android
Android Studio takes a few minutes to index the files, keep an eye at the bottom of Android Studio for progress.- Testing - When indexing is complete, look for a green play button. Click the play button and it will launch the app in an emulator (See here to setup Emulator) or on the phone if a phone is connected via USB.
- @dlodeprojuicer on Twitter