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David Miller edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

The primary foci are:

  • Clean up the compiler code, making it more modular, easier to debug, etc.
  • Modify ClojureCLR to make it conform more closely to the CLR, rather than trying to follow ClojureJVM so closely.

This is not going to be Compiler-in-Clojure, though some of the goals of C-in-C as stated here will also be goals here. If C-in-C happens, that will be a Rich project and we will follow along. There are too many unknowns in how Rich might approach critical decisions for me to attempt it.

So, C# for this next round? Maybe not. Time to embrace the functional more fully. And I need to expand my skillsets. So F# is the likely implementation language. Given the number of active contributors at this time, I'm not worried about cutting out possible contributors. In fact, maybe I can attract some from among the F# afficianados?

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