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Use versions repo tooling from BuildTools.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Sets up dependencies.props config. Removes UpdateDependencies powershell script, to be replaced by a call into VersionTools in Maestro automation. Changes UpdatePublishedVersions to pass through to VersionTools for backward compatibility.
  • Loading branch information
dagood committed Aug 22, 2016
1 parent 158db01 commit 5a63fd8
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Showing 6 changed files with 112 additions and 338 deletions.
157 changes: 0 additions & 157 deletions UpdateDependencies.ps1

This file was deleted.

138 changes: 10 additions & 128 deletions UpdatePublishedVersions.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,131 +14,13 @@ param(
# A pattern matching all packages in the set that the versions repository should be set to.
# Print out the new file contents, but don't change the versions repository.

function ConvertPathTo-Package([string]$path)
# Find the package ID and version using a regex. This matches the semantic version
# and assumes everything to the left is the id or a path to the package directory.
$matched = $path -match '^(.*\\)?(.*?)\.(([0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-([A-z0-9-]+))?)\.(symbols\.)?nupkg$'
if ($matched)
$packageInfo = @{
Path = $path
Name = $matches[2]
Version = $matches[3]
Prerelease = $matches[6]
$packageInfo.NameVersion = "$($packageInfo.Name) $($packageInfo.Version)"
return $packageInfo
throw "Couldn't find name and version from path $path."

# Updates a GitHub file with the specified file contents
function Update-GitHub-File(
[string]$user = $gitHubUser,
[string]$email = $gitHubEmail,
[string]$authToken = $gitHubAuthToken,
[string]$owner = $versionsRepoOwner,
[string]$repo = $versionsRepo,
function message([string]$message)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "*** $message ***"

$headers = @{
'Accept' = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
'Authorization' = "token $authToken"

$fileUrl = "$owner/$repo/contents/$path"

message "Getting the `"sha`" of the current contents of file '$owner/$repo/$path'"

$currentFile = Invoke-WebRequest $fileUrl -UseBasicParsing -Headers $headers
$currentSha = (ConvertFrom-Json $currentFile.Content).sha

message "Got `"sha`" value of '$currentSha'"

message "Request to update file '$owner/$repo/$path' contents to:"
Write-Host $newFileContent

if ($dryRun)
message 'Not sending request: dry run.'

# Base64 encode the string
function ToBase64([string]$value)
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($value))

$updateFileBody =
"message": "$commitMessage",
"committer": {
"name": "$user",
"email": "$email"
"content": "$(ToBase64 $newFileContent)",
"sha": "$currentSha"

message 'Sending request...'
$putResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $fileUrl -UseBasicParsing -Method PUT -Body $updateFileBody -Headers $headers

if ($putResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $putResponse.StatusCode -lt 300)
message 'Successfully updated the file'

# Store result of Get-ChildItem before piping to ConvertPathTo-Package. When directly piping, exceptions are ignored.
$packagePaths = Get-ChildItem $nupkgPath
$packages = $packagePaths | %{ ConvertPathTo-Package $_ }

$prereleaseVersion = ''
foreach ($package in $packages)
if ($package.Prerelease)
$prereleaseVersion = $package.Prerelease

if (!$prereleaseVersion)
throw "Could not find a Prerelease version in '$newPackages'"

$versionFilePath = "$versionsRepoPath/Latest.txt"
$versionFileContent = "$prereleaseVersion`n"

Update-GitHub-File `
-path $versionFilePath `
-newFileContent $versionFileContent `
-commitMessage "Update '$versionFilePath' with $prereleaseVersion"

$packageInfoFilePath = "$versionsRepoPath/Latest_Packages.txt"
$packageInfoFileContent = ($packages | %{ $_.NameVersion } | Sort-Object) -join "`r`n"

Update-GitHub-File `
-path $packageInfoFilePath `
-newFileContent $packageInfoFileContent `
-commitMessage "Adding package info to '$packageInfoFilePath' for $prereleaseVersion"


& "$PSScriptRoot\run.cmd" build -- tests\build.proj /t:UpdatePublishedVersions `
/p:GitHubUser="$gitHubUser" `
/p:GitHubEmail="$gitHubEmail" `
/p:GitHubAuthToken="$gitHubAuthToken" `
/p:VersionsRepoOwner="$versionsRepoOwner" `
/p:VersionsRepo="$versionsRepo" `
/p:VersionsRepoPath="$versionsRepoPath" `
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions dependencies.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<!-- Source of truth for dependency tooling: the commit hash of the dotnet/versions master branch as of the last auto-upgrade. -->

<!-- Auto-upgraded properties for each build info dependency. -->

<!-- Full package version strings that are used in other parts of the build. -->

<!-- Package dependency verification/auto-upgrade configuration. -->

<RemoteDependencyBuildInfo Include="CoreFx">
<RemoteDependencyBuildInfo Include="CoreClr">
<RemoteDependencyBuildInfo Include="External">

<DependencyBuildInfo Include="@(RemoteDependencyBuildInfo)">

<XmlUpdateStep Include="CoreFx">
<XmlUpdateStep Include="CoreClr">
<XmlUpdateStep Include="External">

<!-- Set up dependencies on packages that aren't found in a BuildInfo. -->
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit"/>
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit.assert"/>
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit.core"/>
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit.runner.console"/>
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit.runner.msbuild"/>
<XUnitDependency Include="xunit.runner.utility"/>
<StaticDependency Include="@(XUnitDependency)">

<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="Microsoft.DotNet.xunit.performance.analysis" />
<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="Microsoft.DotNet.xunit.performance.analysis.cli" />
<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="Microsoft.DotNet.xunit.performance.metrics" />
<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="" />
<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="Microsoft.DotNet.xunit.performance.runner.cli" />
<XunitPerformanceDependency Include="Microsoft.DotNet.xunit.performance.runner.Windows" />
<StaticDependency Include="@(XunitPerformanceDependency)">

<StaticDependency Include="xunit.console.netcore">

<DependencyBuildInfo Include="@(StaticDependency)">

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