The goal of this project is to show a sample of implementation of a Kotlin application with Neo4J database.
In order to get the project running, you need to:
- Provide the following environment vars:
NEO4J_URL bolt://localhost:7687
- Have a running Neo4J instance that correspond to the configured vars. You can use Docker, for example:
$ docker container run --name neo4j -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/password -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -d neo4j
- Execute the application
$ gradle run
In order to test some flows of interaction with Neo4J, some features were implemented:
- Create a User: You can create a new user, by giving its username and its age:
[POST] /users
"username": "testUser",
"age": 30
- Add a friend to User: You can add a new friend to user by giving the username of the friend:
[POST] /users/<username>/friends
"username": "friendUsername"
To keep it simple, there is no verification if the username of the friend was already registered. So, if it doesn't, a new node is created.
- Add a chat group: You can add a user to a chat group by giving the chat name
[POST] /users/<username>/chat-groups
"name": "chat-name"
- Retrieve all direct contacts of a user: You can retrieve all users that a particular user have direct contact. It means all users that shares a chat group with the given user.
[GET] /users/<username>/direct-contacts
After implement the above flows, some insights must be highlighted:
To use Neo4J-OGM demands to declare a bunch of dependencies both to run the application and to test it, since they opted to avoid transitive dependencies. They are:
- neo4j-ogm-core: Provides the core implementation of OGM.
- neo4j-ogm-bolt-driver: The Java-Driver to connect to Neo4J via Bolt-protocol.
- neo4j-ogm-embedded-driver: The Java-Driver to interact with embedded Neo4J.
- neo4j-kernel: Provides the implementation of Neo4J embedded.
- neo4j-lucene-index: Supports smart indexing of numbers, querying for ranges and sorting such results, and so does its backend for Neo4j.
- neo4j-cypher: Provides support to Neo4J query language.
- neo4j: Neo4J community version.
Domain models
Once Neo4J-OGM is a Java based framework, it doesn't support some Kotlin features, like data class
and immutable
variables assigned with val
. So, in order to keep these important features, mainly in domain models, we decided to
not use OGM mapping in these classes, what demands to us implement mapped DTOs
to interact with Neo4J-OGM, and
implement routines to convert models into DTOs and vice versa. For example:
/* User.kt Domain model */
data class User(
val username: String,
val age: Int,
val friends: List<User>,
val chatGroups: List<ChatGroup>
/* UserNode.kt Neo4J-OGM DTO */
class UserNode(
@Id var username: String? = null,
var age: Int? = 0,
@Relationship(direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED) var friends: List<UserNode> = emptyList(),
@Relationship("BELONGS_TO") var chatGroups: List<ChatGroupNode> = emptyList()
) {
fun toDomainModel(depth: Int = 1, currentDepth: Int = 0): User = User(
this.username!!, this.age!!, this.friends.mapNotNull {
if (currentDepth < depth) it.toDomainModel(depth, currentDepth + 1) else null
}, { it.toDomainModel(depth, currentDepth) }
fun User.toDto(): UserNode = UserNode(
this.username, this.age, { it.toDto() }
If you notice the toDomainModel
method described in code example above, you may see the param depth
that represents
a concern with how deep the method should parse the relationships of a given DTO. It is important in situations of
undirected (bidirectional) relationships, what causes a stackoverflow
error when try to parse these DTOs into Domain