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Releases: dream-num/univer

🎉 Release v0.6.5

13 Mar 03:47
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed conditional formatting command only applying to active worksheet #4798
  • Fixed unclosed col tag issue in generateHTML #4803
  • Fixed tooltip warnings in React 18 #4794
  • Fixed set font and limited fillText out of view bounds #4800
  • Fixed occasional worker errors #4821

📝 Univer Docs

  • Added support for custom blocks in documents #4792

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues

📦 Univer Presets

💔 Breaking Changes

-import { HTTPService } from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-advanced'
+import { HTTPService } from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-core'

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-03-12)

Bug Fixes


  • docs-drawing-ui: support float-dom on doc-canvas (#4821) (fdc7f0e)
  • docs: custom block support custom type (#4792) (4497c4f)
  • sheets-drawing-ui: change cell-image resize to render phase (#4809) (a4aee93)
  • supplement facade example (#4799) (c43b0c9)

🎉 Release v0.6.4

08 Mar 11:54
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • Interaction optimization: Set the number of rows and columns to insert in the right-click menu #4579
  • Added getCustomMetadata method to support getting worksheet custom metadata #4759

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed reference range error when inserting rows or columns in data validation #4785
  • Fixed interaction error when using custom formula validation in data validation #4776
  • Fixed tooltip jitter issue in menu bar #4779
  • Adjusted permission initialization timing to fix permission-related bugs #4770
  • Fixed known issues

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues

📦 Univer Presets

  • SDK has been updated to version 0.6.4

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-03-08)

Bug Fixes

  • dep detect only in event handler not before register event (#4781) (58a24b5)
  • design: resolve the issue of tooltip jitter during initialization (#4779) (3643ffe)
  • docs-ui: select all on empty doc (#4787) (d85a0db)
  • facade: showRangeSelectorDialog document (#4767) (323fe3f)
  • fix facade example (#4780) (ca2329e)
  • formula e2e (#4788) (f0df9ef)
  • formula: fix dispose register function bug (#4783) (be00bdd)
  • formula: formula update after hide row column (#4238) (4113714)
  • sheets-conditional-formatting: correct bottom percent rank calculation (#4771) (e5cff35)
  • sheets-data-validation: data validation ref-range error on insert row & column (#4785) (82545bf)
  • sheets-data-validation: data validation valid error on custom formula (#4776) (2f3c477)
  • update permission init timing (#4770) (5099acf)


  • sheets-numfmt: add percentage as default option (#4772) (e3a9b59)
  • sheets-ui: check before undo-redo rollback (#4784) (f66f931)

Performance Improvements

  • remove unnecessary ctx.font = calls, and avoid drawing glyphs outside the viewBounds (#4775) (cd3decd)


  • remove unnecessary ctx.font = calls, and avoid drawing out of bounds (#4793) (1aaad2a)

🔥 Release v0.6.3

04 Mar 11:44
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📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-03-04)

Bug Fixes


🎉 Release v0.6.2

01 Mar 12:30
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • Pivot table supports value filtering, added setFieldsConfig and reset Facade APIs
  • Added new Facade APIs for:
    • Number formatting #4733
    • Auto-adjusting row/column dimensions #4733 #4737
    • Range selector #4703
    • Cell image insertion #4729
    • Clearing conditional formatting #4743
  • Enhanced UI optimizations #4704 #4715
  • Added hideStatusBarStatistic configuration in sheets-ui to support hiding statistical status bar #4694
  • Added maxAutoHeightCount configuration in sheets-ui to address performance issues with auto-height in large datasets (default: 1000 rows) #4700 #4705
  • Formula functions now support reading and writing cell custom properties #4658
  • Find and replace component now supports Esc shortcut key to exit #4746

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed clear operation in filter state #4589
  • Fixed status bar statistics error when selection contains dates #4723
  • Fixed white screen issue when calling createUnit after disposeUnit #4728
  • Fixed generateHTML error #4689
  • Fixed Facade event mechanism #4736 #4739
  • Fixed uniscript plugin editor error #4738

💔 Breaking Changes

  • No breaking changes in this release

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues

📦 Univer Presets

  • SDK has been updated to version 0.6.2

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-03-01)

Bug Fixes


  • facade: add cell image facade & remove rich-text cell-image (#4729) (f0b2d48)
  • facade: move cf command from sheets-conditional-formatting-ui to sheets-conditional-formatting package (#4743) (fdbde5b)
  • facade: supplement f-workbook f-worksheet f-range facade (#4733) (edddb71)
  • find-replace: use esc to focus on selection (#4746) (f4b30ae)
  • formula: add custom data to value objects (#4658) (2e59a6c)
  • hide statistic opt (#4694) (95410d0)
  • improve styles in sheets-ui (#4704) (b752a7f)
  • scroll bar hover style (#4708) (04af678)
  • thread-comment: export sheet thread comment plugin constant (#4732) (83c0af9)

🎉 Release v0.6.1

21 Feb 11:00
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

  • Optimized plugin loading mechanism #4662
  • Formula engine performance optimization #4675
  • Facade API documentation updated #4677 #4686 #4653

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where line breaks were not preserved when pasting data from external applications #4670
  • Fixed the issue where the find icon was displayed abnormally in 0.6.0 #4685
  • Fixed the issue where FRange.setBorder only took effect on the active range #4650
  • Fixed the number format @ display issue #4669
  • Fixed the issue that the formula editor selected multiple ranges and displayed abnormally #4673
  • Fixed the numerical calculation problem in the statistics bar #4684

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues.

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues.

📦 Univer Presets

  • SDK has been updated to version 0.6.1.

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following community members for their outstanding contributions to this release:

📢 Univer Go

Univer Go 0.0.10 has been released, integrating AI, logging, and the latest Univer SDK features. With numerous templates ready to use, share and define your collaborative spreadsheet applications, welcome to experience! Univer Go

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-02-21)

Bug Fixes


  • sheets-ui: update FormulaBar to accept custom className prop (#4663) (f39baf5)
  • watermark: move watermark component to engine render (#4683) (95f6b9d)

🎉 Release v0.6.0

14 Feb 18:04
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

  • Added external image paste functionality and optimized image processing logic #3617
  • Compatible with React 19, refactored rendering logic, optimized Input component implementation, and improved UI performance #4247
  • Added Facade API FRange.attachRangePopup to insert components into ranges #4489
  • Added support for loading multiple sheets and switching the sheet to be displayed, you can now use cross-sheet formulas, refer to Loading Multiple Files #4580
  • Optimized Facade event memory usage, introduced FEventRegistry to manage event listeners #4616
  • Added NUMBERSTRING formula for converting numbers to Chinese strings #4615
  • Univer now supports over 500 formulas and counting!

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multi-instance input cursor error in sheets-ui #4643
  • Fixed univerAPI.Event.SheetEditChanging event not triggering #4642
  • Fixed univerAPI.Event.CellClicked event not triggering #4628
  • Removed React dependency from core package, reduced core package size, and improved project modularity #4617
  • Fixed selection error in formula editor and collaborative selection issues #4619
  • Improved undo/redo menu item disable logic #4609
  • Fixed data validation formula issues and ActiveSheetChanged event #4606
  • Fixed incorrect row height when adjusting height with all rows selected #4639

💔 Breaking Changes

  • React 16 users need additional steps to use Univer 0.6.0, please refer to the React 16 User Upgrade Guide

  • Package @univerjs/facade has been removed, please migrate to the new Facade usage.

  • Facade content previously exported from @univerjs/core has been moved to @univerjs/core/facade exports: FBase, FBaseInitialable, FUniver, FHooks, FBlob, IFBlobSource, FEventName, IEventBase, IEventParamConfig, FEnum, FUtil #4596

ESM Before:

import { FUniver } from '@univerjs/core';


import { FUniver } from '@univerjs/core/facade';

UMD Before:

<script src=""></script>
var { FUniver } = UniverCore;


<script src=""></script>
var { FUniver } = UniverCoreFacade;
  • To use the official collaboration features, you now need to provide a socketService in UniverCollaborationClientPlugin's config object. If your client runs in browsers, please use BrowserCollaborationSocketService provided by the @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-ui package, refer to Collaboration Guide

  • Plugin developers need to note that the Redi view-related APIs exported have been moved to the @univerjs/ui package #4617


import { useDependency, RediContext, useObservable } from '@univerjs/core'


import { useDependency, RediContext, useObservable } from '@univerjs/ui'

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues.

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues.

📦 Univer Presets

  • SDK has been updated to version 0.6.0.

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following community members for their outstanding contributions to this release:

📢 Univer Go

Univer Go 0.0.10 has been released, integrating AI, logging, and the latest Univer SDK features. With numerous templates ready to use, share and define your collaborative spreadsheet applications, welcome to experience! Univer Go

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-02-15)

Bug Fixes

Read more

🎉 Release v0.5.5

20 Jan 15:14
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • UniverSheetsPlugin added new configuration option autoHeightForMergedCells to enable automatic height calculation for merged cells #4488

  • Added Facade API: border settings, get styles, enums, etc. #4494

import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'

    .setBorder(univerAPI.Enum.BorderType.ALL, univerAPI.Enum.BorderStyleTypes.THIN, '#ff0000');

  • Added support for sheet-related events: ActiveSheetChanged, SheetDeleted, SheetHideChanged, SheetMoved, SheetNameChanged, SheetTabColorChanged, SheetValueChanged #4494
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'

univerAPI.addEvent(univerAPI.Event.Scroll, console.log)
  • Added support for sheet UI-related events: Scroll, SelectionMoving, SelectionChanged, ColumnHeaderClick, ColumnHeaderHover, RowHeaderClick, RowHeaderHover, SelectionChanged, SelectionMoving, SheetSkeletonChanged, etc. #4491
import '@univerjs/sheets-ui/facade'

univerAPI.addEvent(univerAPI.Event.Scroll, console.log)
  • Added FRange.getValue parameter: when set to true, it will return rich text values
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'

const richTextValues = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook()
  • Added support for number format localization settings #4470

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Refactored cell editor and formula editor in sheet UI module #4384
  • Drop fill or copy-paste will not carry custom property #4503
  • Fixed data validator issue #4477
  • Fixed Facade API incorrect async calls #4482
  • AlphaSlider style optimization #4486

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues

📢 0.6.0 Preview


The development of version 0.6.0 is currently underway. Starting with this release, Univer will support integration with projects using React@19 . However, this update may introduce breaking changes for users relying on React@16 or Univer UMD builds.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share your suggestions and feedback via GitHub Issues.

📢 Univer Go

Univer Go 0.0.8 has been released, integrating AI, logging, and the latest Univer SDK features. You don't need to configure complex development environments - just code and share your collaborative spreadsheet applications. Try it now! Univer Go

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-01-20)

Bug Fixes


Read more

🎉 Release v0.5.4

13 Jan 16:23
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • New color picker with custom color support #4437
  • New feature: When pasting, a selective paste context menu will be triggered. #4393
  • Added FWorkbook.addEvent and FWorksheet.addEvent with related events #4456
univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().addEvent('CellClicked', (p)=> console.log(p));
univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().addEvent('CellHover', (p)=> console.log(p));
  • Formula registration in Facade API now supports lambda functions #4298
  • Added Zen mode editor-related Facade APIs #4423
  • Added comment-related events and Facade APIs #4423
  • Added image-related events and Facade APIs #4429
  • Added clipboard events #4420
  • Added FUniver.registerUIPart #4452
univerAPI.registerUIPart(BuiltInUIPart.CUSTOM_HEADER, () => React.createElement('h1', null, 'Custom Header'));
  • Added string search Facade API #4430
const textFinder = await univerAPI.createTextFinderAsync('hello');
 const ranges = textFinder.findAll();
 ranges.forEach((range) => {

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Optimized tooltip display #4463
  • Improved handling of worksheet names with quotes #4198

🔄 API Updates

The following APIs will be gradually replaced in future versions. Please migrate at your convenience:

  • Workbook Related
// Create workbook
- FUniver.createUniverSheet()     // Will be deprecated
+ FUniver.createWorkbook()        // Recommended

// Get active workbook
- FUniver.getActiveUniverSheet() // Will be deprecated
+ FUniver.getActiveWorkbook()    // Recommended
  • Conditional Formatting
FWorksheet {
- createConditionalFormattingRule() // Will be deprecated
+ newConditionalFormattingRule()    // Recommended
  • Original hyperlink Facade APIs will have new alternatives in future versions

💔 Breaking Changes

  • FFormula import path change:
- import type { FFormula } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
+ import type { FFormula } from '@univerjs/engine-formula/facade';
  • Image operations upgraded to async APIs:
FOverGridImage {
- setPosition(row: number, column: number): boolean;
- setPosition(row: number, column: number, rowOffset?: number, columnOffset?: number): boolean;
- setSize(width: number, height: number): boolean;
+ setPositionAsync(row: number, column: number): Promise<boolean>;
+ setPositionAsync(row: number, column: number, rowOffset?: number, columnOffset?: number): Promise<boolean>;
+ setSizeAsync(width: number, height: number): Promise<boolean>;

FOverGridImageBuilder {
- build(): Promise<ISheetImage>;
+ buildAsync(): Promise<ISheetImage>;

📝 Univer Docs

  • Fixed known issues

🌐 Univer Server

  • Fixed known issues

📦 Univer Presets

  • Updated to the latest version of Univer

  • Adjustment of UMD version variable introduction method


const { createUniver, LocaleType, merge, defaultTheme } = UniverPresets;


const { createUniver } = UniverPresets;
const { LocaleType, merge } = UniverCore;
const { defaultTheme } = UniverDesign;

📢 0.6.0 Preview


The development of version 0.6.0 is currently underway. Starting with this release, Univer will support integration with projects using React@19 . However, this update may introduce breaking changes for users relying on React@16 or Univer UMD builds.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share your suggestions and feedback via GitHub Issues.

📢 Univer Go

Univer Go 0.0.7 has been released, integrating AI, logging, and the latest Univer SDK features. You don't need to configure complex development environments - just code and share your collaborative spreadsheet applications. Try it now! Univer Go

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2025-01-13)

Bug Fixes


Read more

🎉 Release v0.5.3

04 Jan 13:25
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Introducing Univer Go Beta!


Univer Go Beta is now available!
We are excited to announce the release of Univer Go, a new desktop application that enables you to build your own spreadsheet and seamlessly integrate with AI agents, databases, and applications.

✨ Fun Built-in Templates

  • AI Spreadsheet Translator: Utilize the Univer API in combination with AI to achieve instant multilingual translation of spreadsheet content
  • Work Calendar: Generate a work calendar with one click, demonstrating how to use the Univer API to load snapshot data, customize formulas, bind cell events, and utilize the permissions module
  • Gantt Chart: Insert any number of Gantt charts into a spreadsheet with a single click, showcasing how to use the Univer API to add formulas, adjust cell styles, merge cells, set conditional formatting, and add data validation
  • High-performance Pivot Tables: Quickly create pivot tables and discover how to use the pivot table API in Univer Go to enhance data analysis efficiency
  • Tic Tac Toe: Share a link to play Tic-Tac-Toe with friends, learn how to bind Canvas events and implement real-time multiplayer interactions

More templates are waiting for you to explore. Feel free to share your templates with us!

Beta version is now available for both Windows. We welcome community members to test it out and share their feedback to help us improve the platform!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • Optimized Facade API chaining, enabling more fluent API calls. This update may require adjustments to existing code, please refer to the Breaking Changes section #4329 #4403 #4412
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'

    // set basic properties
    .setName('Sales Report 2024')
    // set freeze pane
    // set column width
    .setColumnWidths(0, 1, 180)  // product name column
    .setColumnWidths(1, 1, 120)  // price column
    .setColumnWidths(2, 1, 100)  // quantity column
    .setColumnWidths(3, 1, 120)  // total price column
    .setColumnWidths(4, 1, 150)  // note column
    // set row height
    .setRowHeight(0, 35)  // main header
    .setRowHeight(1, 30)  // sub header
    // set values
        ["product name", "price", "quantity", "total price", "note"],
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'


  • Added Facade API FRange.splitTextToColumns for splitting text into columns
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'
  • Added Facade API FFormula.registerFunction and FFormula.registerAsyncFunction for creating custom functions #4399
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade'
import '@univerjs/sheets/sheets-formula'
univerAPI.getFormula().registerFunction('HELLO', (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`, 'A simple greeting function');
// Use the function in a cell
univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet().getRange('A2').setValue({ f: '=HELLO(A1)' });
// A2 will display: "Hello, World!"

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed mouse scrollbar operation issues #4396
  • Fixed non-responsive dropdown menu clicks in the More menu #4416
  • Fixed known issues

💔 Breaking Changes

  • Tools.deepMerge is deprecated, please use merge instead


import { Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
Tools.deepMerge(obj1, obj2)


import { merge } from '@univerjs/core'
merge(obj1, obj2)
  • Changed return type of chained Facade API calls from Promise<boolean> to FUniver or FWorkbook or FWorksheet or FRange or FDataValidation or FFilter #4329 #4403 #4412


await univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet().getRange('A1:A5').setValue('123');
await univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet().getRange('A1:A5').merge()


-setCrosshairHighlightColor(color: string): void;
+setCrosshairHighlightColor(color: string): FUniver;
-setCrosshairHighlightEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
+setCrosshairHighlightEnabled(enabled: boolean): FUniver;
-showMessage(options: IMessageProps): void;
+showMessage(options: IMessageProps): FUniver;
-addWatermark(type: IWatermarkTypeEnum.Text, config: ITextWatermarkConfig): void;
+addWatermark(type: IWatermarkTypeEnum.Text, config: ITextWatermarkConfig): FUniver;
-addWatermark(type: IWatermarkTypeEnum.Image, config: IImageWatermarkConfig): void;
+addWatermark(type: IWatermarkTypeEnum.Image, config: IImageWatermarkConfig): FUniver;
-deleteWatermark(): void;
+deleteWatermark(): FUniver;

-deleteActiveSheet(): Promise<boolean>;
+deleteActiveSheet(): FWorkbook;
-deleteSheet(sheet: FWorksheet): Promise<boolean>;
+deleteSheet(sheet: FWorksheet): FWorkbook;
-duplicateActiveSheet(): Promise<boolean>;
+duplicateActiveSheet(): FWorkbook;
-duplicateSheet(sheet: FWorksheet): Promise<boolean>;
+duplicateSheet(sheet: FWorksheet): FWorkbook;
-moveActiveSheet(index: number): Promise<boolean>;
+moveActiveSheet(index: number): FWorkbook;
-moveSheet(sheet: FWorksheet, index: number): Promise<boolean>;
+moveSheet(sheet: FWorksheet, index: number): FWorkbook;
-redo(): Promise<boolean>;
+redo(): FWorkbook;
-undo(): Promise<boolean>;
+undo(): FWorkbook;
FWorksheet {
-cancelFreeze(): boolean;
+cancelFreeze(): FWorksheet;
-clear(options?: IFacadeClearOptions): Promise<boolean>;
+clear(options?: IFacadeClearOptions): FWorksheet;
-clearContents(): Promise<boolean>;
+clearContents(): FWorksheet;
-clearFormats(): Promise<boolean>;
+clearFormats(): FWorksheet;
-deleteColumn(columnPosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+deleteColumn(columnPosition: number): FWorksheet;
-deleteColumns(columnPosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+deleteColumns(columnPosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-deleteRow(rowPosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+deleteRow(rowPosition: number): FWorksheet;
-deleteRows(rowPosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+deleteRows(rowPosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-hideColumn(column: FRange): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+hideColumn(column: FRange): FWorksheet;
-hideColumns(columnIndex: number, numColumns?: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+hideColumns(columnIndex: number, numColumns?: number): FWorksheet;
-hideRow(row: FRange): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+hideRow(row: FRange): FWorksheet;
-hideRows(rowIndex: number, numRows?: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+hideRows(rowIndex: number, numRows?: number): FWorksheet;
-hideSheet(): void;
+hideSheet(): FWorksheet;
-insertColumnAfter(afterPosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertColumnAfter(afterPosition: number): FWorksheet;
-insertColumnBefore(beforePosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertColumnBefore(beforePosition: number): FWorksheet;
-insertColumns(columnIndex: number, numColumns?: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertColumns(columnIndex: number, numColumns?: number): FWorksheet;
-insertColumnsAfter(afterPosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertColumnsAfter(afterPosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-insertColumnsBefore(beforePosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertColumnsBefore(beforePosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-insertRowAfter(afterPosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertRowAfter(afterPosition: number): FWorksheet;
-insertRowBefore(beforePosition: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertRowBefore(beforePosition: number): FWorksheet;
-insertRows(rowIndex: number, numRows?: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertRows(rowIndex: number, numRows?: number): FWorksheet;
-insertRowsAfter(afterPosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertRowsAfter(afterPosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-insertRowsBefore(beforePosition: number, howMany: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+insertRowsBefore(beforePosition: number, howMany: number): FWorksheet;
-moveColumns(columnSpec: FRange, destinationIndex: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+moveColumns(columnSpec: FRange, destinationIndex: number): FWorksheet;
-moveRows(rowSpec: FRange, destinationIndex: number): Promise<FWorksheet>;
+moveRows(rowSpec: FRange, destinationIndex: number): FWorksheet;
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🎉 Release v0.5.2

28 Dec 10:41
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🎊 [email protected]

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

📊 Introducing Univer Go Beta!


Univer Go Beta is now available!
We are excited to announce the release of Univer Go, a new desktop application that enables you to build your own spreadsheet and seamlessly integrate with AI agents, databases, and applications.

✨ Fun Built-in Templates

  • AI Spreadsheet Translator: Utilize the Univer API in combination with AI to achieve instant multilingual translation of spreadsheet content
  • Work Calendar: Generate a work calendar with one click, demonstrating how to use the Univer API to load snapshot data, customize formulas, bind cell events, and utilize the permissions module
  • Gantt Chart: Insert any number of Gantt charts into a spreadsheet with a single click, showcasing how to use the Univer API to add formulas, adjust cell styles, merge cells, set conditional formatting, and add data validation
  • High-performance Pivot Tables: Quickly create pivot tables and discover how to use the pivot table API in Univer Go to enhance data analysis efficiency
  • Tic Tac Toe: Share a link to play Tic-Tac-Toe with friends, learn how to bind Canvas events and implement real-time multiplayer interactions

More templates are waiting for you to explore. Feel free to share your templates with us!

Beta version is now available for both Windows. We welcome community members to test it out and share their feedback to help us improve the platform!

📊 Univer Sheets

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:

  • Added Spark-line plugin, click here for details #4233

  • Added Univer.onDispose for cleanup work #4218

  • Refactored message box and optimized message box styles #4352

  • Added numerous Facade APIs covering: worksheets, selection, UI, name manager, scrollbar, shortcuts, sorting, network, images, conditional formatting, and more

  • Added Facade API for getting multiple selections #4264

import '@univerjs/sheets/facade';

// get active range list
const activeRangeList = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveRangeList();
import '@univerjs/sheets-ui/facade';

// hide selection
// show selection
  • Added Image Operations Facade API #4322
import '@univerjs/sheets-drawing-ui/facade';

const activeSpreadsheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
const activeSheet = activeSpreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
// insert image on A1
activeSheet.insertImage('', 0, 0);
  • Added Network Operations Facade API #4294
import '@univerjs/network/facade';

  .then(res => console.log('data', res.body))
  .catch(e  => console.log('error', e))

univerAPI.getNetwork().post("/api.json", { headers: {}, body: {} })
  • Added Conditional Formatting Facade API #4300
import '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-format/facade';

const workbook  = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
const worksheet = workbook.getActiveSheet();

// set style when cell not empty on A1:A100
const rule = worksheet.createConditionalFormattingRule()
        .setRanges([{ startRow: 0, endRow: 100, startColumn: 0, endColumn: 100 }])
  • Added Sorting Operations Facade API #4312
import '@univerjs/sheets-sort/facade';

const workbook  = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
const worksheet = workbook.getActiveSheet();

const range = worksheet.getRange("A1:B3");
// sort A1:B3 by column B in ascending order
range.sort({column: range.getColumn() + 1 ,ascending:true})
import '@univerjs/ui/facade';

// create a custom menu on ribbon
  id: 'custom-menu-id',
  title: 'Custom Text',
  tooltip:'This tip show on hover.',
  action: () => {
    console.log('Custom Text');

// show message
univerAPI.showMessage({ content:"Hello, Univer!" })
  • Added Name Manager Facade API #4282
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade';

const workbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
workbook.insertDefinedName('MyDefinedName', 'Sheet1!A1');

const definedNames = workbook.getDefinedNames();
  • Added Scrollbar Facade API #4290
import '@univerjs/sheets-ui/facade';

// get scroll state

// scroll Event
univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet().onScroll((state) => {
    console.log('scroll', state);
  • Added Range to A1 Notation Facade API #4325
import '@univerjs/sheets/facade';

const range = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveRange().getA1Notation();
// convert range to A1:B3

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed border display issues when merging cells #4276
  • Fixed memory leak issues #4212 #4213
  • Fixed color picker reset functionality #4234
  • Fixed hyperlink issues #4223 #4237
  • Fixed known formula engine issues #4224 #4245
  • Fixed known clipboard issues #4268 #4253
  • Fixed known formula auto-fill issues #227
  • Fixed XLOOKUP formula function #4277
  • Fixed SUMIFS formula function #4216
  • Fixed PRODUCT formula function #4273
  • Fixed performance issues with data validation for large datasets #4376

💔 Breaking Changes

  • Merge Facade API will now force merge without prompting #4246
  • @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client has been split into three packages:
    • @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client
    • @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-node
    • @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-ui
-pnpm i @univerjs-pro/collaboration @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client
+pnpm i @univerjs-pro/collaboration @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client @univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-ui
import { UniverCollaborationClientPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client';
+import { UniverCollaborationClientUIPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-ui';

-import '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client/lib/index.css';
+import '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client-ui/lib/index.css';

univer.registerPlugin(UniverCollaborationClientPlugin, {
  • Fixed incorrect export names
-import { CollabrationImageIoService } from '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client'
+import { CollaborationImageIoService } from '@univerjs-pro/collaboration-client'
  • Print Facade API adjustments, removed unnecessary return values
interface FWorkSheet {
-    closePrintDialog(): boolean;
-    openPrintDialog(): boolean;
-    print(): boolean;
+    closePrintDialog(): void;
+    openPrintDialog(): void;
+    print(): void;

📢 0.6.0 Preview


The development of version 0.6.0 is currently underway. Starting with this release, Univer will support integration with projects using React@19 . However, this update may introduce breaking changes for users relying on React@16 or Univer UMD builds.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share your suggestions and feedback via GitHub Issues.

📝 Univer Docs

Fixed known rendering issues #4219

🌐 Univer Server

Fixed known issues and improved service stability

📦 Univer Presets

🎉 Highlights

  • All new features and Facade APIs from 0.5.2 are now integrated into Presets by default, just import presets to use them

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed known issues in Node.js environment

💔 Breaking Changes

  • Dependencies imported through @univerjs/presets should now be imported through specific preset entries:
-import { HTTPService } from '@univerjs/presets'
+import { HTTPService } from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-advanced'
  • @univerjs-pro/thread-comment-datasource has been removed from presets, requires separate registration if needed.

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2024-12-28)

Bug Fixes

  • better disable selection ---> transparent sele...
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