Releases: dreamportdev/Osdev-Notes
In this new release:
- Stivale 2 protocol sections have been replaced with Limine protocol, since stivale2 has been deprecated.
- Add a complete exammple of how to create an ELF executable for our kernel
- Typo and error fixes
- Style fixes
Printed versions of the updated book are available here:
People who contributed to this release:
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! :)
This is the latest pdf generated directly from current master.
It is update on every single commit to master.
In this new release:
- Typo fixes
- Code (and typo) fixes on the framebuffer chapter.
- Add explanation of potential bug on converting GIMP Header file to RGB.
- Added missing flags on page table/dirs entries
- Rewrite and rearrangement of syscall/sysret section
Printed versions of the updated book are available here:
From this release I start to acknowledge all the people that contributed to it (in no particular order, without including @dreamos82 and @DeanoBurrito since we are the authors).
Contributors to this release:
- @Hqnnqh
- @AnErrupTion
- @Moldytzu
- @MRRcode979
- @Roxve
- @andromdaa
- @malletgaetan
Thanks to everyone for your help!
As usual this updates bring more typo fixes, but also few sections have been expanded.
- Typo fixes
- Expand Syscall example chapter
- Expand ELF chapter, and fixing code in one of examples
Printed versions of the book are available here:
First Edition Rev. 2
Another update, wiht a lot of fixes, and few more additions.
- Add more information on the Memory protection chapter, abouit its future implications
- Emergency grammar fix!
- Fix tss structure in Userspace/Handling_Interrupt chapter
- Add watchpoint information on gdb chapter
- Add explanation on how to test when entering userspace
- Fix some examples in the Nasm appendix, and add new section with loop cycle example.
First Edition Rev. 1
Various typo fixes, and other improvements.
Add new cross compiling section.
- Add Cross Compiling appendix chapter
- Linker chapter improvements
- Various typos fix
- Add more details on the Thread Sleep section
- Improve readability of Virtual Memory Management illustration.
- Fix broken links
- Fix Cover Alignment
- Add paragraph about lockfree queues in IPC chapter
- Add more details in the VMM Section of Process and Threads chapter
- Explain content of Segment Selectors in GDT chapter
- Improve readability of some parts inside Userspace chapters
We made also an hardcover version of the book, available here:
While the paperback version (updated) is still available here:
First Edition
This tag marks the first edition of the printed book.
The book is available here: