StoreKitTestHelpers is a little utility to help reduce test flakiness when using StoreKitTest.
The root of the problem seems to be that Apple's StoreKitTest mock server sometimes does not get shut down properly between test runs, and can alternate between the correct response and stale incorrect response. This package provides some helpers to spin until StoreKit returns consistent results (by default, 3 times in a row).
Add the following to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
import StoreKitTest
import StoreKitTestHelpers
func testBlockingExample() {
// set up your test session
let skTestSession = try SKTestSession.clearedNonInteractiveSession()
// buys product and waits until StoreKit has expected auto-renewable subscription
try await skTestSession.buyProductAndWait(identifier: "com.example.product")
// alternatively - make purchase other ways and wait
try await skTestSession.spinUntilActiveAutoRenewableProductIdsContains("com.example.product")
// you can also wait until arbitrary conditions are met X times in a row
try await Task.spinUntilCondition {
await example.shouldBlockPurchase()