What's new:
- Auth
- Added TokenFromOAuth1Asyn.
- Files
- UploadSessionFinishBatchAsync now returns UploadSessionFinishBatchLaunch.
- DeleteBatchAsync now returns DeleteBatchLaunch.
- CopyBatchAsync and MoveBatchAsync now returns RelocatonBatchLaunch.
- Sharing
- Added UnsupportedLinkType to SharedLinkError.
- Added IsMember to GroundInfo.
- Added TooManyFiles to UnshareFolderError.
- Added NoExplicitAccess to RelinquishFolderMembershipError.
- Team
- Added GroupNameAlreadyUsed and GroupNameInvalid to GroupUpdateError.
- Others
- RateLimitException is now a StructuredException with a RateLimitError body.
- Added request id to string representation of Dropbox exceptions.