This push represents a rewrite of the ttvc implementation.
- REVERTME: Don't run playwright tests bab5766
- MINIMUM_IDLE_MS = 500 926fadb
- minor: Observer constructors should take consistent args f0a81c2
- Improve comments on Observer classes 22ef1af
- Clean up commented-out console.logs! 96435a4
- Add (failing) test for delayed stylesheet 0ed2238
- Require library consumers to init() manually 463e60e
- Clean up exported API b71f3c1
- Always cleanup mutations 0c2717b
- setup and cleanup image load listeners per navigation 60bc244
- Remove test.fail() annotations! 5b7503c
- Refactor: Extract InViewportImageObserver as separate concept 40ca562
- REVERTME?: observe documentElement instead of body 25ed47a
- NetworkIdleObservable: track loading images as well as scripts f459959
- typescript: Fix new lint errors 5c104fd
- Lint src and unit test files! 0c12e83
- Refactor: Use simple cancellation check instead of try/catch 8649f8c
- fix: Resolve lint errors 0cfd437
- FIXME: Comment out all console logging da796b1
- Write unit tests for network idle helpers 4da025c
- Remove jest setup file 3f74477
- fixup! Refactor: break up "observables.ts" 64db132
- Delete e2e style unit tests 98c0e2f
- Delete now-unused util function 87b1926
- Refactor: break up "observables.ts" 2fc3f14
- Tweak tests for increased consistency 0e4ff30
- Mark three remaining known test failures 293aec6
- Move analytics script into body tag in some tests 1c1c24f
- Enable all tests! eca8b6a
- Uncomment disconnect() implementation 8437379
- Cancel ttvc calculation when user interacts 59b1e05
- requestAllIdleCallback supports safari a19977b
- Don't observe characterData mutations e39845b
- Replace implementation with proof-of-concept code! 52f9a06
- entryCountIs accepts a timeout parameter 2e7c45d
- Typecheck all code (#14) 790449f
- Set up ESLint! (#13) 60eb5b6
- Draft Playwright test cases! (#10) 8cc4901
- Build some bundles with rollup! (#11) 14aba9c
- Configure Jest to run existing unit tests (#9) 44fd614
- Clone rSERVER implementation (#8) 3bc7a1a
- Publish to npm (#7) fed193f
- Set up e2e test environment using Playwright (#6) 7e4e86b
- Create .gitignore 2b2ce1a