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Upgrading PostgreSQL

Sourcegraph uses PostgreSQL as its main internal database and this documentation describes how to upgrade PostgreSQL between major versions.

NOTE: ⚠️ Upgrading the PostgreSQL database requires stopping your Sourcegraph deployment which will result in downtime.

Version requirements

We support any version starting from 9.6.

Upgrading single node Docker deployments

NOTE: If you running PostgreSQL externally, see Upgrading external PostgreSQL instances

When running a new version of Sourcegraph, it will check if the PostgreSQL data needs upgrading upon initialization.

There are two ways that the PostgreSQL data can be updated:

  • On start-up with access to the Docker socket.
  • Running a script that uses the PostgreSQL upgrade container directly.

Option 1. Upgrading on start-up using the Docker socket

<iframe src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

1. Stop the sourcegraph/server container.

2. Add the volume mount code to your existing docker run command: -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro.

See a complete example below:

# Add "--env=SRC_LOG_LEVEL=dbug" below for verbose logging.
docker run -p 7080:7080 -p 2633:2633 --rm \
  -v ~/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph \
  -v ~/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \

3. When the upgrade has been completed, stop the Sourcegraph container, then run again using the original docker run command (without mounting the Docker socket).

Option 2. Upgrading with a script that uses the PostgreSQL upgrade container directly

<iframe src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

You may need to manually upgrade the PostgreSQL data, e.g, if mounting the Docker socket isn't an option.

1. Stop the sourcegraph/server container.

2. Save this script and give it executable permissions (chmod + x).

NOTE: The script presumes your data is being upgraded from 9.6 to 11 and your Sourcegraph directory is at ~/.sourcegraph/. Change the values in the code below if that's not the case.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -xeuo pipefail

export OLD=${OLD:-"9.6"}
export NEW=${NEW:-"11"}
export SRC_DIR=${SRC_DIR:-"$HOME/.sourcegraph"}

docker run \
  -w /tmp/upgrade \
  -v "$SRC_DIR/data/postgres-$NEW-upgrade:/tmp/upgrade" \
  -v "$SRC_DIR/data/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/$OLD/data" \
  -v "$SRC_DIR/data/postgresql-$NEW:/var/lib/postgresql/$NEW/data" \

mv "$SRC_DIR/data/"{postgresql,postgresql-$OLD}
mv "$SRC_DIR/data/"{postgresql-$NEW,postgresql}

curl -fsSL -o "$SRC_DIR/data/postgres-$NEW-upgrade/"

docker run \
  --entrypoint "/bin/bash" \
  -w /tmp/upgrade \
  -v "$SRC_DIR/data/postgres-$NEW-upgrade:/tmp/upgrade" \
  -v "$SRC_DIR/data/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data" \
  "postgres:$NEW" \
  -c 'chown -R postgres $PGDATA . && gosu postgres bash ./ $PGDATA'

3. Execute the script.

4. Start the sourcegraph/server container.

Upgrading Kubernetes PostgreSQL instances

The upgrade process is different for Sourcegraph cluster deployments because by default, it uses sourcegraph/postgres-11.1:19-02-07_17a4376e which can be customized with environment variables.

If you have changed PGUSER, PGDATABASE or PGDATA, then the PG*OLD and PG*NEW environment variables are required. Below are the defaults and documentation on what each variable is used for:

  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD='': Password of PGUSERNEW if it is newly created (i.e when PGUSERNEW didn't exist in the old database).
  • PGUSEROLD=sg: A user that exists in the old database that can be used to authenticate intermediate upgrade operations.
  • PGUSERNEW=sg: A user that must exist in the new database after the upgrade is done (i.e. it'll be created if it didn't exist already).
  • PGDATABASEOLD=sg: A database that exists in the old database that can be used to authenticate intermediate upgrade operations. (e.g psql -d)
  • PGDATABASENEW=sg: A database that must exist in the new database after the upgrade is done (i.e. it'll be created if it didn't exist already).
  • PGDATAOLD=/data/pgdata: The data directory containing the files of the old PostgreSQL database to be upgraded.
  • PGDATANEW=/data/pgdata-11: The data directory containing the upgraded PostgreSQL data files, used by the new version of PostgreSQL.

Additionally the upgrade process assumes it can write to the parent directory of PGDATAOLD.

Upgrading external PostgreSQL instances

When running an external PostgreSQL instance, please refer to your provider documentation for upgrade procedures.