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ducalex committed Dec 13, 2024
1 parent 75d8594 commit 8365c01
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 47 deletions.
88 changes: 41 additions & 47 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,51 +1,46 @@
# Porting Retro-Go
This document describes the process of adding support for a new ESP32 device (what retro-go calls a *target*).
# Table of contents
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Targets](#targets)
- [Porting](#porting)

# Introduction

# Prerequisites
You will need a working installation of [esp-idf]( Versions 4.3 to 5.2 are supported.
This document describes the process of adding support for a new ESP32 device (what retro-go calls a *target*).

Before using your own patch of retro-go, make a clean build of retro go using bare configurations
./ build-img launcher --target esp32s3-devkit-c
# Prerequisites
Before doing anything, make sure that your development environment is working properly and that you can build retro-go for the default target. Please read []( carefully for more information.

Since we aren't using other setups, like ODROID-GO, we will be building `.img` files, not `.fw`. Use `./ build-img` to build imgs.

# Targets
A target in retro-go is a set of files that describes a hardware device (drivers to use, GPIOs, button mapping, etc). Targets are folders located in `components/retro-go/targets/` and usually contain the following files:

**Make sure a basic setup is working before continuing to patch the code for your setup**
| Name | Description |
| config.h | This is the retro-go configuration file, it describes your hardware to retro-go |
| | This is imported by, it is used to set environment variables required by tooling, such as the esp32 chip type or baudrates or binary formats |
| sdkconfig | This is the esp-idf configuration file for your board/device |

If it doesn't, refer to []( Also check your `esp-idf` installation and make sure you have it set up in your environment (run ` --version` to check)
./ build-img launcher --target esp32s3-devkit-c

# Patching
# Porting
Retro-Go uses reusable hardware components, so it is easy to set it up for your own hardware.

To get started, locate a target that is the most similar to your device and use it as a starting point. Clone the target's folder and give it a new name, then add your new target to `components/retro-go/config.h`.

You will find the targets (configs for each device) in `components/retro-go/targets`

To make a base one, copy `esp32s3-devkit-c` and rename it.

## Target files

## config.h

`config.h` has the bulk of your configurations.
### config.h

This file contains the bulk of your configurations.

First, change `RG_TARGET_NAME` to match the name of your target folder.

Most of it, you will need to figure out the correct parameters for (eg. Storage and Audio)


##### Display

If you aren't using the ILI9341 screen driver, you will need to change the `SCREEN_DRIVER` parameter. (Otherwise, just change the following settings and continue).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,44 +69,43 @@ You will need to create that file for your display. Unfortunately, there is no o
Make this driver in `components/retro-go/drivers/display`

##### Input

Back in `config.h`, you will see the configuration for an I2C gamepad. If you aren't using that, you can make your own parameters based on the existing input forms in `components/retro-go/rg_input.c`

You can also write your own input driver for unique input forms. Just look at the existing code in `rg_input.c` and match that

### sdkconfig
`sdkconfig` is used by ESP-IDF to build the code for the ESP32 itself. It is hard to manually write it all out, so you can use `menuconfig`

For this, go back to your root folder. Build the launcher for your target (this will make sure you have the correct ESP32 board selected).
./ clean
./ build launcher --target (YOUR TARGET)
This file is used by ESP-IDF to build the code for the ESP32 itself.

Retro-Go, for the most part, doesn't care about the sdkconfig and its content will depend entirely the chip/board used. But there are things that you should keep in mind:
- The main task stack size has to be at least 8KB for retro-go
- The CPU frequency should be set to the maximum possible and power management be disabled
- SPIRAM should be enabled and configured correctly for your device

Then `cd` into `launcher` and run ` menuconfig`. Navigate to Serial Flasher Config and adjust it all to your board. Make sure to save the changes and exit.
ESP-IDF provides a tool to edit it, namely `menuconfig`, but to use it in retro-go you must follow the following steps:

1. Build the launcher for your target (this will make sure you have the correct ESP32 board selected and generate a default sdkconfig)
- `./ clean`
- `./ --target <targetname> build launcher`
2. Enter the launcher directory: `cd launcher`
3. Run ` menuconfig` and make the changes that you need. Make sure to save the changes and exit.
4. Optionally test the app with the new config (but do NOT run ` clean` at this point, your new config will be deleted)
- `cd ..`
- `./ --target <targetname> run launcher`
4. When you're satisfied, copy the `sdkconfig` file from the launcher to the target folder, so that it's used by all apps
- `cd ..`
- `mv -f launcher/sdkconfig components/retro-go/targets/<targetname>/sdkconfig`

Use this generated sdkconfig in your target with
cd ..
mv -f launcher/sdkconfig components/retro-go/targets/retrotoids/sdkconfig
This will configure ESP-IDF to run on your board
Note that any time you modify your target's `sdkconfig` file, you must run `./ clean` to ensure it will be applied.


Change the target board in `` to match yours

After completing all these steps, you should be able to build your apps with `rg_tool`. See []( for more info about this and flashing. **Make sure to use the steps for `.img`, NOT `.fw`**

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