Flystorage is a file storage abstraction for NodeJS and TypeScript. It is an 80/20 solution that is built around a set of goals:
- Provide a straight-forward API that is easy to use.
- Allow application code to be unaware WHERE files are stored.
- Pragmatically smooth over underlying storage differences.
- Expose an async/await based API, promises all the way.
- Abstract over file permissions using "visibility".
- Actually tested using real integrations, mocks are not welcome.
- Stand on the shoulders of giants, use official vendor packages when possible.
Flystorage is meant to be used in cases for generic file storage use-cases. It's not an API for any specific filesystem. It's a generalised solution and will not implement feature only specific to one particular storage implementation. There will be use-cases that are not catered to, simply because they cannot be abstracted over in a reasonable manner.
- Write files using string | buffer | readable/stream
- Read files as stream, string, or Uint8Array
- Set permissions using abstracted visibility
- List the contents of a directory/prefix, (shallow and deep).
- Delete files without failing when they don't exist.
- Delete directories (and any files it contains)
- Generate public URLs.
- Generate temporary (signed) URLs.
- Expose or calculate checksums for files.
- Mime-type resolving
- Last modified fetching
- File size
- Moving files
- Copying files
- Local Filesystem
- AWS S3 (using the V3 SDK)
- Azure Blob Storage
- Test implementation (in-memory)
- Google Cloud Storage
- Chaos adapter decorator
- FTP (using
) - SFTP (?)
Install the main package and any adapters you might need:
npm i -S @flystorage/file-storage
# for using AWS S3
npm i -S @flystorage/aws-s3
# for using the local filesystem
npm i -S @flystorage/local-fs
import {resolve} from 'node:path';
import {createReadStream} from 'node:fs';
import {FileStorage, Visibility} from '@flystorage/file-storage';
import {LocalStorageAdapter} from '@flystorage/local-fs';
const rootDirectory = resolve(process.cwd(), 'my-files');
const storage = new FileStorage(new LocalStorageAdapter(rootDirectory));
// Write using a string
await storage.write('write-from-a-string.txt', 'file contents');
// Write using a stream
const stream = createReadStream(resolve(process.cwd(), 'test-files/picture.png'));
await storage.write('picture.png', stream);
// Write with visibility (permissions).
await storage.write('public.txt', 'debug', {
visibility: Visibility.PUBLIC, // mode: 0o644
await storage.write('private.txt', 'debug', {
visibility: Visibility.PRIVATE, // mode: 0o600
// List directory contents
const contentsAsAsyncGenerator = storage.list('', {deep: true});
for await (const item of contentsAsAsyncGenerator) {
if (item.isFile) {
// do something with the file
} else if (item.isDirectory) {
// do something with the directory
// Delete a file
await storage.deleteFile('some-file.txt');
// Delete a directory (with all contents)
await storage.deleteDirectory('some-directory');
Flystorage is built by the maintainer of Flysystem, a filesystem abstraction for PHP. This brings along over a decade of filesystem abstraction experience.