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Baseline Model for Segmentation Fine-Tuning of the HLS Foundation Model

This repo, a revision originally based from Clark Center for Geospatial Analytics, to run a supervised CNN model pipeline for multi-temporal crop type segmentation, based on the HLS Foundation Model (FM). The FM is released by NASA and IBM here, and the fine-tuned FM model for this task is presented here.

The pipeline includes, model training, evaluation, and inference, for data generated in the multi-temporal-crop-classification-training-data.


To get started:

  1. change directory to an empty folder in your machine and clone the repo.
$ cd /to_empty/dir/on_host/

$ git clone

$ cd path/to/cloned directory/
  1. create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies.
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Model Pipeline

Configuring pipeline parameters

A configuration file, found here, is used to customize various model properties and features for model training, evaluation, and inference. The custom dataset params section in the configuration file is used to specify the dataset path, batch size, and other dataset-related parameters. Supply a dataset_path containing your dataset content and the dataset_dir containing the images to be used for training, validation, or inference.

✅ It's important to note that the data sent through the pipeline must be preprocessed. Two files are expected for each chip:

  1. Three HLS scenes merged together, with a naming convention of chip_xxx_xxx_merged.tif
  2. Label chip contaning reclassified CDL crop types (13 classes total), with a naming convention of chip_xxx_xxx.mask.tif:

More details on the preprocessing can be found here.

Running the pipeline in different modes

Run the pipeline by executing the following command and passing in one of the following modes: train, validation, or inference.

python ./src/ --config_file <path_to_config_file> <mode>

By default, the configuration file is set to config/default_config.yaml. You can specify a different configuration file by providing the path to the file using the --config_file argument.

The results of the pipeline will be saved to a directory, as specified by the working_dir parameter in the configuration file. The results include:


Running the pipeline in inference mode will generate and save the predictions to the working_dir directory.

Model Checkpoints

The model checkpoints are saved to the output_dir directory. Model checkpoints represent the number of epochs the model has been trained on and are saved based on the checkpoint parameter in the configuration file. Files are saved in the format model_epoch_<epoch_number>.pth.tar.

Model Params

The model parameters are saved to the output_dir directory after a model has finished training. Running the save in the ModelCompiler Class The model parameters are saved in the format model_params_epoch_<epoch_number>.pth. The model parameters can be loaded and used for inference or warm-up training by passing in the file path to the params_init parameter in the configuration file.

Evaluation metrics

Example below of the metrics generated from the pipeline:

Confusion Matrix

and two CSV files containing the evaluation metrics and the model predictions.

Overall Metrics
Metric Value
Overall Accuracy 0.63056
Mean Accuracy 0.61915
Mean IoU 0.42086
mean Precision 0.57392
mean Recall 0.57492
Mean F1 Score 0.57251
Class-wise Metrics
Class Accuracy IoU Precision Recall F1 Score
Natural Vegetation 0.6366 0.4577 0.6196 0.6366 0.6280
Forest 0.7171 0.4772 0.5878 0.7171 0.6461
Corn 0.6332 0.5226 0.7494 0.6332 0.6864
Soybeans 0.6676 0.51675 0.6957 0.6676 0.6814
Wetlands 0.6035 0.4109 0.5628 0.6035 0.5825
Developed/Barren 0.6022 0.4637 0.6684 0.6022 0.6336
Open Water 0.8775 0.7596 0.8496 0.8775 0.8633
Winter Wheat 0.6639 0.4950 0.6606 0.6639 0.6622
Alfalfa 0.5902 0.3847 0.5250 0.5902 0.5557
Fallow/Idle Cropland 0.5293 0.3599 0.5292 0.5293 0.5293
Cotton 0.4529 0.3258 0.5371 0.4529 0.4914
Sorghum 0.6152 0.3909 0.5174 0.6152 0.5621
Other 0.4589 0.3268 0.5316 0.4589 0.4926

Running the pipeline from Jupyter Notebook

You can also run the pipeline from a Jupyter Notebook to walk through the different steps in running a model.

Execute the following command:

jupyter notebook

Then navigate to the notebooks directory and open the main.ipynb notebook. Follow the instructions in the notebook to run the pipeline

Instructions to run the code using Docker

Step 1 Make sure the Docker daemon is running and build the Docker image as following:

$ docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> .


$ docker build -t semseg_baseline:v1 .

step 2- Run the Docker image as a container from within the cloned folder:

$ docker run --gpus all -it -p 8888:8888 -v <path/to/the/cloned-repo/on-host>:/home/workdir -v <path/to/the/dataset/on-host>:/home/data  <image_name>:<tag>

This command will start a container based on the specified Docker image and starts a JupyterLab session. Type localhost:8888 in your browser and copy the provided token from the terminal to open the JupyterLab.

step 3- Run the pipeline:

Modify the "default_config.yaml" or create your own config file and run the cells as explained in the notebook.

Model Weights

The model weights trained on the dataset for 100 epochs with the parameters specified in the "default_config.yaml", is stored in the model_weights/multi_temporal_crop_classification.pth. Instructions to load and use the pre-trained model for zero-shot inference or warm-up training is explained in the notebook.


Baseline model for crop type segmentation as part of the HLS FM downstream task evaluations






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  • Jupyter Notebook 92.7%
  • Python 7.3%