Learn more about Botkins Charity Project:
Learn more about Vigibot:
Basis is the Standard Vigibot Minus-Type (pictured), but with a LTE/4G stick and without lateral (side) arms
- If you'd like to build a robot for Botkins, contact us and we'll send you the Onboarding Process.
- Let us know about any broken links or deficiencies (e.g. unclear or missing steps).
- The maker can choose the 3D printed parts color.
- Building your first robot may take about 10 hours, maybe more. After some practice, building may take about 3h per robot.
- Some parts from aliexpress may take 5 weeks to arrive. currently (2025) setting payment method to paypal will fail with "Sorry, some items are not available", credit card works. Disable E-Mail order updates before checking out, else you'll get 3-5 E-Mails per item.
You'll need:
- Soldering iron (for 4x motors & UPS bridge). (if you prefer not to solder, maybe another maker could solder the parts for you).
- Internet Access (SIM card with mobile data, WLAN or Ethernet LAN), PC.
- 3D Printer currently not required.
- Tools: Screwdrivers, adjustable / monkey wrench, tweezers, duct tape, ...
1x Raspberry Pi 3B+ (or 3B), 1GB or 2GB. (requires 2 USB ports.)
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/cartes-programmables/241-raspberry-pi-3b-plus-241.html
- Switzerland: https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s1/product/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-entwicklungsboard-kit-8024081
- Germany: https://www.reichelt.de/ch/de/raspberry-pi-3-b-4x-1-4-ghz-1-gb-ram-wlan-bt-raspberry-pi-3b--p217696.html
1x 4G / LTE mobile data stick (without SIM card) that works plug&play with raspberry pi / linux.
- Huawei E3372h
- The newest model "e3372h-325 (Brand: Brovi)" doesn't work. The older models are no longer manufactured.
- Find a suitable model on secondhand platforms. Model must be "e3372h-153", "e3372h-320" or "e3372h-607". The model is printed onto the SIM slot beneath the lid.
- Check with Botkins, we might have some spares
- 2025: We're testing other, more available alternatives. Perhaps check with Botkins.
- Huawei E3372h
1x USB - USB 90° adapter
- "Color : Adapter", "Cable Length : Down" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006057729975.html
USB bracket holder
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/impression-3d/261-service-impression-3d-pla-261.html (It's not defined, but robot-maker knows you'll want a USB_bracket holder.)
- or 3D print file "stl/usb_bracket.stl"
- or ask in the Botkins Signal group
1x USB Microphone "Super AI" (should cost ~10$).
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/composants/446-microphone-usb-446.html
- [often unavailable] "Orange" or "Black" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007114049915.html
- Check with Botkins, we might have some spares
1x 16-32GB MicroSD card. Recommended is the "WesternDigital Purple" (presumed resilient against data corruption, as few as 50 reboots can cause a startup failure on cheap cards!), or another "Endurance" type card.
if you don't already have one: a micro SD card reader.
- "Color : Only USB3.0" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32832711883.html
1x aftermarket wide-angle lens camera module
- with IR-cut filter. There is only one camera module v1 clone that combines a wide-angle lens and a motorized IR-cut filter at the time of writing
- Robot-Maker:
- "Option 2" https://aliexpress.com/item/32881466491.html
1x Geekworm / U-geek UPS Hat V3 with 2x20 pin header 15mm pin length extension
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/shield/341-ups-hat-pour-raspberry-pi-341.html
- aliexpress:
- https://aliexpress.com/item/4001113371912.html
- text seller: "hello, can you add a long extension header? thank you"
- https://aliexpress.com/item/4001113371912.html
- https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B089NF1NHS
1x 1S2P battery pack with protection. Not from AliExpress. Maybe add 1x spare, Liion in use last about 2 years until capacity drops to 50%.
2x USB charger (must support 9V/1.3A or 12V/1A or more). (so the recipient gets 1x spare)
- "___ Charger Only" https://aliexpress.com/item/1005007293684533.html
- "EU" https://aliexpress.com/item/4000045865332.html
2x USB magnetic cable 4-pin (so the recipient gets 1x spare)
- "Color : ___ type c", "Length : 2m(6.6ft)" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001224959039.html
1x Active buzzer 3V or 5V, connect to GND and GPIO 18.
About 10cm adhesive Velcro tape, to fix battery pack to middle plate.
- "White 1Meter", "25mm Wide" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006680575466.html
if you don't already have: A bit of gorilla / super glue (glue LED caps onto LED board so they don't fall off)
Splitter Board
- "Color : 1 pcs" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006042011391.html
PH2.0 to 2 Pin cable
- "Color : 2P", "Length : 10CM" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002901249753.html (check polarity during assembly, it usually has to be inverted)
8-16x DuPont cables.
- "30cm" or "20cm" https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/composants/42-nappe-40-fils-femelle-femelle-42.html
- "F-F (30 cm)" https://www.pololu.com/product/4566
- "Color : Mix 10 Color", "Connector Type : Female to Female", "Pins : 30cm" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005365866477.html
About 5x Single DuPont pin sleeves
OLD: manually soldered PDB [Expand]
- Find Build instructions and pictures on botkins cloud in /Hardware_Design/UPS_power_distribution/-
1x small piece of prototyping board for the power distribution board. Build a small 2-row header board with 1x soldered wires for the UPS and 6-8x pin header slots (1x battery, 4x servo, 1x motor driver, 1x spare). insulate backside with duct tape to prevent accidental short circuits.
1x Pin header for the power distribution board
1x PH2.0 plug to connect the power distribution board to the geekworm v3 UPS.
3D printed parts, screws, nuts and standoffs
- Kit : https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/kits-robots/425-kit-chassis-4wd-minus-425.html
- List :
- 3D printed parts : 4 ( Top, middle, bottom and rear plate )
- 12mm length M2.5 male standoffs between the Raspberry PI and UPS hat board : 4
- 25mm length M2.5 male standoffs between the UPS hat board and middle plate : 4
- 10mm length M2.5 female standoffs between the middle plate and bottom plate : 4
- 5mm length M2.5 male standoffs between the Raspberry PI board and top plate : 4
- 6 mm M2.5 screw : 10 ( 4 top plate / 4 bottom plate / 2 middle plate)
- 8 or 10 mm M2.5 screw to fix motor board : 2
- M2.5 nut : 6 ( 4 for the motor board / 2 middle plate)
- 8mm length M2 screw to fix the back plate on the middle plate : 3
- M2 nut : 3
4x Pololu 100:1 micro metal gearmotor HP 6V
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/moteurs-et-actionneurs/384-moteur-pololu-300-rpm.html (provided with cable you need to solder, but can be provided soldered)
- https://www.pololu.com/product/1101
4x Pololu micro metal gearmotor extended bracket (provided with screws and nuts)
4x Pololu wheel 40×7mm
1x Feetech 2ch motor controller
- https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/drivers-d-actionneurs/280-driver-convertisseur-moteur-cc-servomoteur.html (provided with cables)
- https://aliexpress.com/item/33056911020.html (requires soldering a custom splitter cable: both motors of same side in parallel on each output)
3D printed parts, screws, nuts and standoffs
- Kit : https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/kits-robots/88-kit-tourelle-pan-tilt-88.html
- List :
- 3D printed parts : 3 or 4 (Smiling head, pan plate, tilt bracket, and 4th is an optional protection to protect camera lens)
- 10mm or 12mm length M2.5 screw : 2 ( to fix pan plate to the rest of the robot)
- M2.5 nut : 2
- 5 or 6 mm M2 screw : 1
- 8 mm M2 screw : 2 (to fix 270° servo on the pan plate)
- 14 or 16 mm M2 screw : 2 ( to fix 180° servo in the head)
- 20 mm M2 screw : 4 (for camera assembly on the head)
- M2 nut : 10 (8 for the camera, 2 to fix the servo on the pan plate)
- Note : use the long screws provided with servomotors to fix the servomotors on the servo holder
1x DM-S0090MD 270° metal gear servo for head pan [x] (add 1x spare)
- often unavailable https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002940068629.html
- https://aliexpress.com/item/1005007890905728.html
- Check with Botkins, we might have some spares
- it's not metal gear but works too: https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/moteurs-et-actionneurs/370-servomoteur-9g-270-370.html
1x 180° servo for head tilt [y] (add 1x spare)
3D printed parts, screws and nuts
- Kit : https://www.robot-maker.com/shop/kits-robots/423-kit-pince-minus-423.html
- List :
- 3D printed parts : 4
- 5 or 6 mm M2 screw : 1
- 8 mm M2 screw : 3
- 10 mm M2 screw : 1
- 14 mm M2 screw : 5
- M2 nut : 2
- Note : use the long screws provided with servomotors to fix the servomotors on the servo holder
2x 180° SG90 servo for gripper
- Botkins is considering changing more servos to metal gear. Add 2x DM-S0090MD metal servo for: head tilt [y], gripper tilt [y]. (Doesn't fit for gripper claw [x]).
- often unavailable https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002940068629.html
- https://aliexpress.com/item/1005007890905728.html
- Botkins might have some spares
Install Vigibot on Pi and test with Camera according to https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/12794-how-to-add-my-raspberry-pi-robot-on-vigibot-to-control-my-robot-over-the-internet/
LTE/4G mobile data stick:
- Plug into a Windows or Mac PC ( webpage opens or start the App on the storage medium) and enable data roaming.
OPTIONAL: For Wi-Fi, you can use "/Hardware Design/wpa_supplicant.conf" on botkins cloud, as an example for the raspberry pi WiFi setup. either add or replace with your WiFi network.
Unplug power cable. During assembly, new parts can be connected (power off robot) and tested.
On Vigibot website click-> Management
-> Wrench Icon (Remote controller configuration) -> Modifications made
-> Form
set to Text
-> Replace existing {}
with following code:
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "avancer",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Forward",
"ACTION": "IncrementForward",
"SPECIAL": "yp"
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "suivant",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Next tool",
"ACTION": "NextTool",
"ICON0": "sirene0",
"ICON1": "sirene1",
"TEXT": "Buzzer",
"ACTION": "Switch2",
"SPECIAL": "i2"
"ICON0": "lumicont0",
"ICON1": "lumicont1",
"TEXT": "Maximize the brightness and contrast",
"ACTION": "Switch3",
"SPECIAL": "i3"
"ICON0": "gauche",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Left",
"ACTION": "IncrementTurnLeft",
"SPECIAL": "zn"
"ICON0": "stopper",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Click to stop or drag to drive",
"ACTION": "Brake",
"SPECIAL": "st"
"ICON0": "droite",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Right",
"ACTION": "IncrementTurnRight",
"SPECIAL": "zp"
"ICON0": "centrer",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Reset tools",
"ACTION": "ResetTools",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "reculer",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Backward",
"ACTION": "IncrementBackward",
"SPECIAL": "yn"
"ICON0": "capture",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Capture the last seconds of video",
"ACTION": "",
"SPECIAL": "capture"
"ICON0": "precedent",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Previous tool",
"ACTION": "PreviousTool",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "lock0",
"ICON1": "lock1",
"TEXT": "Unlink remote control and video",
"ACTION": "",
"SPECIAL": "switchlock"
"ICON0": "osd0",
"ICON1": "osd1",
"TEXT": "Toggle OSD",
"ACTION": "",
"SPECIAL": "switchosd"
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "dodo",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Put on standby",
"ACTION": "Sleep",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "vide",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "",
"ACTION": "",
"ICON0": "exit",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Restart the client process",
"ACTION": "ExitRobot",
"SPECIAL": "confirm"
"ICON0": "reboot",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Reboot the system",
"ACTION": "RebootRobot",
"SPECIAL": "confirm"
"ICON0": "poweroff",
"ICON1": "",
"TEXT": "Power off the system",
"ACTION": "PowerOffRobot",
"SPECIAL": "confirm"
"NAME": "Turret control",
"CAMERA": 0,
"MIXING": 0,
"GAINX": 80,
"GAINY": 80
"NAME": "Gripper control",
"CAMERA": 0,
"MIXING": 1,
"GAINX": 80,
"GAINY": 80
"NAME": "low bandwidth 250 Kbps",
"CAMERA": 1,
"MIXING": 0,
"GAINX": 80,
"GAINY": 80
"TX": {
"NAME": "Turret X",
"INIT": 0,
"SCALEMIN": -180,
"SCALEMAX": 180,
"MIN": -90,
"MAX": 90,
"CLAMPMIN": -20,
"SIGNED": true,
"UNIT": "°"
"NAME": "Turret Y",
"INIT": 0,
"SCALEMIN": -180,
"SCALEMAX": 180,
"MIN": -55,
"MAX": 55,
"CLAMPMIN": -40,
"SIGNED": true,
"UNIT": "°"
"NAME": "Gripper X",
"INIT": 0,
"SCALEMIN": -180,
"SCALEMAX": 180,
"MIN": -30,
"MAX": 65,
"CLAMPMIN": -20,
"SIGNED": true,
"UNIT": "°"
"NAME": "Gripper Y",
"INIT": 0,
"SCALEMIN": -180,
"SCALEMAX": 180,
"MIN": -40,
"MAX": 80,
"SIGNED": true,
"UNIT": "°"
On Vigibot website click -> Management
-> Gear Icon (Hardware configuration) -> Modifications made
-> Form
set to Text
-> Replace existing {}
with following code:
"TYPE": "",
"SOURCE": 0,
"WIDTH": 640,
"HEIGHT": 480,
"FPS": 30,
"BITRATE": 1500000,
"ROTATE": 0,
"TYPE": "",
"SOURCE": 0,
"WIDTH": 640,
"HEIGHT": 480,
"FPS": 30,
"BITRATE": 250000,
"ROTATE": 0,
"RAMPUP": 0,
"FAILSAFE": true,
"SLEEP": true
"RAMPUP": 15,
"FAILSAFE": true,
"SLEEP": true
"RAMPUP": 15,
"FAILSAFE": true,
"SLEEP": true

- A: Remove "POFF" solder bridge

- Split the signal (orange or white) wire off the 4x servos and 1x motor driver.
- Invert PH2.0 plug polarity (if necessary)

- Stack UPS onto Raspberry Pi.

- A: Head pan [x]
GPIO 5 (physical pin 29)
- B: Head tilt [y]
GPIO 6 (physical pin 31)
- C: Gripper claw [x]
GPIO 7 (physical pin 26)
- D: Gripper tilt [y]
GPIO 8 (physical pin 24)
A: ESC motor driver
- left motors
GPIO 26 (physical pin 37)
- right motors
GPIO 27 (physical pin 13)
- left motors
Use the magnetic USB cable to power the UPS. (Note: from now on use the connector on the UPS board - not on the raspberry pi board)
Test control each servo from Vigibot.
Before proceeding, press
Stop ■
button to center every servo, and unplug battery and USB power.
- The basic motor base assembly. Guide in French only. NOTE: the following guide is for a different robot type (Turtle-type), only follow the guide to build the motor base
Assemblage de la plaque intermédiaire (motorisation), Etape 1 - 4
: https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/13155-proposition-photos-montage-de-la-base-roulante-4wd-turtle-type/
- Minus Pan & Tilt: https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/13101-pan-tilt-minus-hardware-documentation/
- Minus 2 axis gripper: https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/13108-minus-gripper-assembly/
- Metal Gear Servo Assembly
- If you use DM-S0090MD metal gear servos for Head tilt [y] or Gripper tilt [y], the servo horn is a bit too long and has to be shortened. Doesn't fit for Gripper claw [x].
- You may find additional assembly guides in french on: https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/13063-vigibot-hardware-documentation/
- [Offline]
Full Minus assembly guide from community: https://www.wiki-vigibot.com/index.php/Comment_monter_mon_robot_%E2%80%9CMinus%E2%80%9C_de_A_%C3%A0_Z_%3F - Short Assembly Video from community: https://youtu.be/9Eja0gG4bhI
- Vigibot FAQ: https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/topic/12787-vigibot-faq-en-fr/
- Original Partlist: Vigibot
- Assembly Renders: Narayan1986