Slack bot for office use.
- Send a message anonymously
- Is there anyone at the office
- Office temperature
- List free meeting rooms
- List next meeting room reservations
- Book a meeting room
- Cancel a booking made with the SlackBot
- Suggest a lunch place
- Suggest a beer place
- Send an email to a predefined address
- Show current bitcoin price
- Show current channel user activity statistics
- Automatically translate conversation to selected language
- WebScraping
- Create new configuration file (src/configuration.js)
- Copy template from configuration file section
- Create a new App for your Slack workspace
- Add App's token to configuration's
- Add App's token to configuration's
- Run bot e.g. with forever, supervisord etc.
$ forever start src/app.js
Bot sends a reply to the channel or to private chat where the command was sent from.
Sends exceptions and errors to the user defined in the configuration file (slackAdminUserId
Anonyous messages are sent to the home channel defined in the configuration file (homeChannelId
Returns Office has people or Office is empty message, depending if there is currently people at the office.
GET /api/haspeople/{id}
from Sensordata API for all sensors in the configuration file. If any of the requests return true, then there is someone at the office.
Returns lates sensors data for all sensors defined in the configuration file.
GET /api/data/{id}
from Sensordata API.
{"name":"5krs","temperature":21.25,"humidity":23,"noise":47,"light":124,"time":"11:47 19.01."}
{"name":"6krs","temperature":22.64,"humidity":23,"noise":45,"light":571,"time":"11:47 19.01."}
Free meeting rooms shows a list of rooms that are free and duration how long they are available. Current events shows a list of next 2 events for each calendar defined in the configuration file. It will hide info from private events. Book a room makes a reservation for the next X minutes if that time is available. Bookings made with the SlackBot can also be cancelled by the same user.
Uses Google Calendar API. Meeting room calendars are defined in the configuration file. Booker info from Slack User Info.
- Execute Step 1: Turn on the Google Calendar API from quicksart. Save file as client_secret.json
- Execute
npm run create_token
to store authentication token to json-file. This file is not in version control - Both files need to be in the workspace root
Get list of restaurants/bars from Google Places API that are max 500m/800m from the office and return random item from that list. Office location is defined in the configuration file.
Automatically translate the conversation to selected language.
translator: {
keyPath: '/home/user123/office-slack-bot/translate_secret.json',
dbStringPath: '/home/my-user/office-slack-bot/db_config.json',
prefix: ':flag-england: ',
language: 'en',
maxCharacters: 1000,
// Translated channels are no longer configured here, set up a database instead
channels: {
aaaaa: {
enabled: true
xxxxx: {
enabled: true
Bot adds a channel to the channel list when translate
command is issued from the channel.
Nodemailer is used to sen email. Add mailConfig
to the configuration file. Will send email to defined email address and cc to sender. Add information to the configuration's emailMessage
Bot's source code has an implementation to send an email to the maintenane company.
- If Google is used to send emails, enable less secure apps for the account
Uses Cheerio to scrape text from html. Selector is executed with eval it's result is shown to user. Use helpers\cheerioTester.js
to verify selector.
reddit : {
url: '',
description: 'Top link from Reddit all',
selector: `const link = $('#siteTable').find('a').first().attr('href'); link.startsWith('http') ? link : '' + link;`
- src/app.js
- Slack Botkit related communication
- src/consoleApp.js
- Console application for testig
- src/bot.js
- Logic for executing correct functionality
- src/configuration.js
- Required configuration for the application. Not in version control.
- Add this file manually
- src/calendarServices.js
- Google Calendar integration
- src/emailSender.js
- Email sending functionality
- src/googlePlacesService.js
- Google Places API integration
Console app wraps the same functionality as BotKit, so it works with same commands and returns same responsens.
$ npm run console
configuration.js containts tokens, passwords, locations, sensors etc.
If allowGuestsToUse
is set to false, then restricted users will get an error messages when trying to send messages to the bot.
'use strict';
module.exports = {
botToken: 'xxxx',
homeChannelId: 'xxxx',
slackAdminUserId: 'xxxx',
allowGuestsToUse: false,
apiUserName: 'xxxx',
apiPassword: 'xxxx',
apiUrl: 'xxxx',
locationApiKey: 'xxxx',
office: { lat: 60.17, lon: 24.94 },
sensors: [
{ id: 'xxx', name: 'xx' },
{ id: 'xxx', name: 'xx' }
meetingRooms: [
{ name: 'xxxx', id: 'xxxx' }
translator: {
keyPath: '/home/my-user/office-slack-bot/translate_secret.json',
dbStringPath: '/home/my-user/office-slack-bot/db_config.json',
prefix: ':flag-england: ',
language: 'en',
maxCharacters: 1000,
// Translated channels are no longer configured here, set up a database instead
channels: {
enabled: true
enabled: true
webScraperOptions: {
reddit: {
url: '',
description: 'Top link from Reddit all',
selector: `const link = $('#siteTable').find('a').first().attr('href'); link.startsWith('http') ? link : '' + link;`
vincit_kurssi: {
url: '',
description: 'Vincit stock value',
selector: `$('.stock_number').text() + "€";`
hs_top: {
url: '',
description: 'Most read link from Helsingin Sanomat',
selector: `'' + $('.is-most-read-articles-list').find('a').first().attr('href');`
emailConfig: {
service: "gmail",
host: "",
auth: {
user: "[email protected]",
pass: "xxxxx"
emailMessage: {
receiver: '[email protected]',
subject: 'Maintenance request',
template: `
MongoDB database needs to be set up. Free MongoDB hosting for example mLab will do.
- Set up a cluster
- Create a new database and a collection. Bot expects both the database and the collection to be named
. - Create a database user and whitelist your bot's IP address
- Get a connection string and insert it into your dbStringPath file e.g. :
"connectString": "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<rest-of-connect-string>"
This readme will cover deploying the bot in Google Cloud in a Docker container.
- Create a new project in Google Cloud
- Enable Container Registry for the Docker image
- Enable Compute Engine for running the image
- Set up Container Registry, build a docker image and push it to Container Registry
- Set up VM Instance (with Container Optimized OS) and use your Docker image as a Container image
Test folder contains tests. Some tests require correct Google API keys in the configuration file.
$ npm test
Run test matchin the pattern:
$ npm run test:g [pattern]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Licensed under the MIT License.