Data Science has been around for close to 10 years, yet there is no agreement on what the field consists of. This leads to confusion among prospective students when they are trying to decide between degree programs. It also leads to arguments and disagreements within and between universities when it comes to assessing the performance of a "data science" department. The goal of this project is to analyse the similarities and differences between data science departments of local universities in Singapore using unsupervised learning techniques. This is so as to provide some guidance to prospective students looking to further their education in one of our local universities here in Singapore.
This repository contains the following three immediate folders:
- Backend/
- Data/
- Frontend/
These 3 folders contain the code, data and relevant resources for backend, raw data collected and frontend respectively. The Backend/ folder is managed by the backend team, while the Frontend/ folder is managed by the frontend team. As for the Data/ folder, it consists of resources relevant to both sub-teams and is thus jointly managed by everyone in the group.
To access our final product, do the following:
cd Frontend
- Run
docker compose build
- Run
docker compose up -d
- Go to http://localhost:8050 and start browsing through our website!
🎨 Frontend Team: 🖌️
- Liu Chen (liuchennn1414)
- Bryan Yeo (yeoobryan)
- Yeo Ying Xin (yeoyingxin)
- Ang Bo Yuan (angby509)
📈 Backend Team: 📊
- Ernest Liu (elhy1999)
- Micole Chan (micolec)
- Melody Tan (mel0778)
- Poh Yu Jie (PokezardVGC)