Scripts to compile IceCat for macOS
Should work on macOS 10.11+ but only verified working on macOS 10.14.6
Using brew will allow you to recieve automatic updates, to do so insert the following in a terminal
brew cask install elsorino/elso/icecat
This will also add my cask repo to your tap, allowing you to update IceCat with brew cask upgrade
.dmg files are available under releases
Xcode & command line tools are required
brew install yasm mercurial gawk ccache python [email protected] rust nasm node
cargo install cbindgen
will install dependencies
Compiling firefox currently requires a macOS SDK below 14, it is recommended to get an SDK from and moving it to /Applications/
NOTE: the build script assumes 10.11 SDK
After the dependencies are installed run cd build
& ./icebuild
to automatically compile IceCat
Essentially a combination of the scripts at but with Fedora's more updated IceCat at though currently using source tarballs at
IceCat itself is licensed under MPL 2.0 and GPLv3. The remaining code in this repository is subject to GPLv3.(bundled extensions may use differing licenses)