FyrePromise is a free, open-source promise library for PHP.
It is a modern library, and features support for synchronous and asynchronous promises.
Using Composer
composer require fyre/promise
use Fyre\Promise\Promise;
is a Closure.
$promise = new Promise($callback);
The $callback
should be expressed in the following format:
$callback = function(Closure $resolve, Closure $reject): void {
Execute a callback if the Promise is rejected.
is a Closure that will execute when the Promise is rejected.
This method will return a new Promise.
Execute a callback when the Promise is settled.
is a Closure that will execute when the Promise has settled.
This method will return a new Promise.
Execute a callback when the Promise is resolved.
is a Closure that will execute when the Promise is resolved.$onRejected
is a Closure that will execute when the Promise is rejected, and will default to null.
$promise->then($onFulfilled, $onRejected);
This method will return a new Promise.
The \Fyre\Promise\AsyncPromise
class extends the Promise class, while providing additional methods for handling asynchronous operations.
use \Fyre\Promise\AsyncPromise;
$promise = new AsyncPromise(function(Closure $resolve, Closure $reject): void {
// this will be executed on a forked process
})->then(function(int $value): void {
// this will be executed on the main thread
echo $value;
Cancel the pending AsyncPromise.
is a string representing the cancellation message.
A cancelled promise will reject with a Fyre\Promise\Exceptions\CancelledPromiseException
Wait for the AsyncPromise to settle.
Wait for any promise to resolve.
is an iterable containing the promises or values to wait for.
$promise = Promise::any($promises);
This method will return a new Promise.
Wait for all promises to resolve.
is an iterable containing the promises or values to wait for.
$promise = Promise::all($promises);
This method will return a new Promise.
Wait for a Promise to settle.
is the Promise to wait for.
try {
$resolvedValue = Promise::await($promise);
} catch (Throwable $reason) {
Wait for the first promise to resolve.
is an iterable containing the promises or values to wait for.
$promise = Promise::all($promises);
This method will return a new Promise.
Create a Promise that rejects.
is a Throwable representing the rejected reason, and will default to null.
$promise = Promise::reject($reason);
Create a Promise that resolves.
is the resolved value, and will default to null.
$promise = Promise::resolve($value);