Enforce value to TypeBox/OpenAPI model
By providing model ahead of time, the library will generate a function to mirror a value to an exact type
$ bun benchmarks/small
clk: ~3.13 GHz
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: bun 1.2.4 (arm64-darwin)
Exact Mirror
556.23x faster than TypeBox Value.Clean
# Using either one of the package manager
npm install exact-mirror
yarn add exact-mirror
pnpm add exact-mirror
bun add exact-mirror
It is designed to be used with TypeBox but an OpenAPI schema should also work.
import { Type as t } from '@sinclair/typebox'
import { createMirror } from 'exact-mirror'
const shape = t.Object({
name: t.String(),
id: t.Number()
const value = {
id: 0,
name: 'saltyaom',
// @ts-expect-error
shoudBeRemoved: true
} satisfies typeof shape.static
const mirror = createMirror(shape)
console.log(mirror(value)) // {"id":0,"name":"saltyaom"}