Years back, we investigated the prevalence in-the-wild of a new class of web vulnerability named HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP).
To this need, we developed PAPAS i.e. an automated testing framework that relies on a custom Firefox's extension to load and render dynamic web pages, and oo a Python 2.7 engine for testing whether such web page are either vulnerable or exploitable to HPP.
Years after, I decided to make all this code public under GPLv3 license, and this repository serves to this matter.
The repository is organized as follow:
engine contains the code responsible for fetching the web pages to be tested and for verifying whether such pages are a vulnerable target or could be potentially exploited
plugin contains the Firefox's plugin needed to make PAPAS working as expected. The plugin communicates with the engine via a network socket i.e. in order to fetch the commands and to return the content of the pages.
doc contains the paper that we published at NDSS 2011 and the presentation given at Black Hat USA 2011.
For anything else, don't hesitate to contact me.