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EPFL Kubernetes WordPress Operator


This is the code for the Kubernetes WordPress Operator used at EPFL.

We (ISAS-FSD) are managing roughly 1,000 WordPress sites, all consolidated under one domain,

While we would be happy for you to give it a try, this is not an Operator that you can use "off-the-shelf" within your cluster. First, it needs a fine-tuned WordPress image that contains all the plugins your users are allowed to use. Then, you have to understand that the secrets needed by "wp-config.php" are managed within the Nginx configuration to be passed to PHP-FPM as FastCGI parameters (fastcgi_param directive). A homemade entrypoint takes care of the loading of the WordPress framework without a proper wp-config.php, so what we can serve 1 to many WordPress sites using the very same image. Last but not least, you will need to dive into some PHP scripts that manage the installation / configuration of the site, themes and plugins through options in the site's database.

This operator is built with Kopf (Kubernetes Operators Framework) and rely on the MariaDB Operator.

A make up command in our development environment (wp-dev) should clone everything needed to get started, including this repo and wp-ops, which contains Ansible configuration as code. The operator is meant to deploy the WordPressSite Custom Resource Definition by itself.



To make it work on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Python3 installed
  2. Install all the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. If outside the EPFL network, check additional steps
  4. Run the operator using make operator
  5. Run unit tests using make test

Additional steps

Whenever outside the EPFL network, you will need to:

  1. Install KubeVPN
  2. Connect the VPN to your cluster using kubevpn connect
  3. If you are on Linux → make sure to run these commands:
    resolvectl dns utun0 $(kubectl get -n kube-system \
    service/rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns \
    -o jsonpath='{$.spec.clusterIP}')
    resolvectl domain utun0 $NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local \
    svc.cluster.local cluster.local
  4. Quickly check that your VPN is connected using kubevpn status

In a Pod

This repository contains the Dockerfile and an example (operator.yaml) to deploy it in a cluster.

Just run make for help. Otherwise, use:

  • make image to build a new (latest) image
  • make delete (when needed) to remove previously installed operator
  • make deploy to apply the new operator

When in a development process, use WP_OPERATOR_IMAGE_TAG=2024-000 make delete image deploy to have a rapid cycle.

Please note that our deployment is done by Ansible, so dive into wp-ops to find the latest version.


If you want to contribute to this repository, please read the file.