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Sprint Challenge Instructions

Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Sprint Challenge.

This challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past sprint and apply them in a concrete project. This sprint explored how to build web services based on the REST (REpresentational State Transfer) architectural style. During this sprint, you studied Node.js and Express, server side routing, how to write Express middleware and how to deploy an API to Heroku.

In your challenge this week, you will demonstrate your mastery of these skills by designing and creating a web API to manage the following resources: Projects and Actions.

This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own. All projects will be submitted to Codegrade for automated review. You will also be given feedback by code reviewers the Monday after challenge submissions. For more information on the review process click here.

You are not allowed to collaborate during the sprint challenge.


In meeting the minimum viable product (MVP) specifications listed below, your project should provide an API that has Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) functionality for both projects and actions.


Task 1: Project Set Up

  • Run npm install to install your dependencies.
  • Run tests locally executing npm test.
  • Reset the database to its original state executing npm run resetdb.

Task 2: Project Requirements (MVP)

Your finished project must include all of the following requirements:

NPM Scripts

A "test" script already exists you can use to run tests against your code. A "resetdb" script exists that allows you to reset the database to its original state.

  • Write an npm script named "start" that uses node to run the API server.
  • Write an npm script named "server" that uses nodemon to run the API server.
  • Install nodemon as a development dependency that would not be used in production.

Environment Variables

  • Bring the port number from the process.env variable, falling back to 9000 if process.env.PORT is undefined !!!


Inside api/projects/projects-router.js build the following endpoints:

  • [GET] /api/projects
    • Returns an array of projects as the body of the response.
    • If there are no projects it responds with an empty array.
  • [GET] /api/projects/:id
    • Returns a project with the given id as the body of the response.
    • If there is no project with the given id it responds with a status code 404.
  • [POST] /api/projects
    • Returns the newly created project as the body of the response.
    • If the request body is missing any of the required fields it responds with a status code 400.
  • [PUT] /api/projects/:id
    • Returns the updated project as the body of the response.
    • If there is no project with the given id it responds with a status code 404.
    • If the request body is missing any of the required fields it responds with a status code 400.
  • [DELETE] /api/projects/:id
    • Returns no response body.
    • If there is no project with the given id it responds with a status code 404.
  • [GET] /api/projects/:id/actions
    • Returns an array of actions (could be empty) belonging to a project with the given id.
    • If there is no project with the given id it responds with a status code 404.

Inside api/actions/actions-router.js build endpoints for performing CRUD operations on actions:

  • [GET] /api/actions
    • Returns an array of actions (or an empty array) as the body of the response.
  • [GET] /api/actions/:id
    • Returns an action with the given id as the body of the response.
    • If there is no action with the given id it responds with a status code 404.
  • [POST] /api/actions
    • Returns the newly created action as the body of the response.
    • If the request body is missing any of the required fields it responds with a status code 400.
    • When adding an action make sure the project_id provided belongs to an existing project.
  • [PUT] /api/actions/:id
    • Returns the updated action as the body of the response.
    • If there is no action with the given id it responds with a status code 404.
    • If the request body is missing any of the required fields it responds with a status code 400.
  • [DELETE] /api/actions/:id
    • Returns no response body.
    • If there is no action with the given id it responds with a status code 404.

Middleware functions

  • Write at least two middleware functions for this API, and consume them in the proper places of your code.

Database Schemas

The description of the structure and extra information about each resource stored in the included database (./data/database.db3) is listed below.


Field Data Type Metadata
id number do not provide it when creating projects, the database will generate it
name string required
description string required
completed boolean not required, defaults to false when creating projects


Field Data Type Metadata
id number do not provide it when creating actions, the database will generate it
project_id number required, must be the id of an existing project
description string required, up to 128 characters long
notes string required, no size limit. Used to record additional notes or requirements to complete the action
completed boolean not required, defaults to false when creating actions

Database Persistence Helpers

The project includes models you can use to manage the persistence of project and action data. These files are api/projects/projects-model.js and api/actions/actions-model.js. Both files publish the following api, which you can use to store, modify and retrieve each resource:

All these helper methods return a promise. Remember to use .then().catch() or async/await.

  • get(): resolves to an array of all the resources contained in the database. If you pass an id to this method it will return the resource with that id if one is found.
  • insert(): calling insert passing it a resource object will add it to the database and return the newly created resource.
  • update(): accepts two arguments, the first is the id of the resource to update, and the second is an object with the changes to apply. It returns the updated resource. If a resource with the provided id is not found, the method returns null.
  • remove(): the remove method accepts an id as its first parameter and, upon successfully deleting the resource from the database, returns the number of records deleted.

The projects-model.js includes an extra method called getProjectActions() that takes a project id as its only argument and returns a list of all the actions for the project.

We have provided test data for all the resources.

Important Notes:

  • Do not make changes to your package.json except to add additional dependencies and scripts. Do not update existing packages.
  • Your app must be able to run in Node v.12. Do not use newer features of Node (e.g.: optional chaining and nullish coalescing NOT supported).
  • Use an HTTP client like HTTPie, Postman or Insomnia to manually test the API's endpoints.
  • Use Express Routers to organize your endpoints.
  • Even though you are only required to write two middleware functions, it is advised that you leverage middlewares as much as possible.
  • You are welcome to create additional files, but do not move or rename existing files or folders.
  • In your solution, it is essential that you follow best practices and produce clean and professional results.
  • Schedule time to review, refine, and assess your work and perform basic professional polishing including spell-checking and grammar-checking on your work.

Submission format

  • Submit via Codegrade by pushing commits to your main branch.
  • Check Codegrade before the deadline to compare its results against your local tests.
  • Check Codegrade on the days following the Sprint Challenge for reviewer feedback.
  • New commits will be evaluated by Codegrade if pushed before the sprint challenge deadline.

Interview Questions

Be prepared to demonstrate your understanding of this week's concepts by answering questions on the following topics. You might prepare by writing down your own answers before hand.

  1. The core features of Node.js and Express and why they are useful.
  2. Understand and explain the use of Middleware.
  3. The basic principles of the REST architectural style.
  4. Understand and explain the use of Express Routers.
  5. Describe tooling used to manually test the correctness of an API.


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