Generates TypeScript definition file for React components from PropTypes
const {injectPropTypes, generateTypes} = require('prop-types-to-dts');
const moduleName = 'my-library';
const moduleExport = require('./my-library');
const types = generateTypes(moduleName, moduleExport,{
//Custom imports, types and interfaces. Should be: string | Array<string>
customDeclarations: [
//Added CSSProperties to default import
`import { Component, PureComponent, ReactChild, ReactNode, SFC, CSSProperties } from 'react'`,
//Added our custom Message interface that was used as PropTypes.instanceOf(Message)
'export interface Message {',
' show: (str: string) => void;',
//Possible mappers:
//mapFunction: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.func
//mapReactChild: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.element
//mapReactNode: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.node
//mapArray: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.array
//mapObject: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.object
//mapAny: (path, defValue) => defValue, //for each PropTypes.any
//Generate function declaration
mapFunction: (path, def)=> /validateString/.test(path) ? '(value: string) => boolean' : def,
//Replace all style objects with CSSProperties
mapObject: (path, defValue) => /style/i.test(path) ? 'CSSProperties' : defValue,
//Callback for getting whole component type
getComponent: (name, props, parentName, defValue) => defValue,
//Set this true if you specified customized import of react types in customDeclarations
skipReactImport: true, //default: false
require('fs').writeFileSync(moduleName+'.d.ts', types);