This repository provides scripts for analysis of data generated by single-cell small RNA sequencing protocol (Faridani/Abdullayev et al., 2016)
Install cutadapt, cgat (from, UMI-tools (, and (
First, remove the UMI sequences specifiying the sequence with correct number of Ns
cd test #test the pipeline from this directory
maxRlen=40 #maximum read length to define a small RNA
minRlen=41 #minimum read length to define a precursor
nprocs=3 #number of processors to use
path_to_reference_genome=reference_genome #path for the reference genome
source ~/cgat-install/conda-install/bin/activate cgat-scripts
python ../src/ -d rawdata -o rawdata_noUMI -u NNNNNNNN -p $nprocs
for sample in `ls rawdata`; do mkdir -p rawdata_final/$sample; done
mkdir cmds
ls rawdata_final | xargs -I% echo 'cutadapt -a file:../adapters/cutadapt_3prime.fa -e 0.1 -O 1 -u 2 --quiet --minimum-length 18 -o rawdata_final/%/%.fastq rawdata_noUMI/%/%_umiTrim.fq' > cmds/
cat cmds/ | parallel -P $nprocs -n 1
for sample in `ls rawdata`; do mkdir -p starout/$sample; done
ls rawdata_final | xargs -I% echo 'STAR --runThreadN 10 --genomeDir ${path_to_reference_genome} --readFilesIn rawdata_final/%/%.fastq --readFilesCommand - --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFilterMultimapNmax 50 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 --outFilterMatchNmin 18 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0 --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.04 --alignIntronMax 1 --outFileNamePrefix starout/%/' > cmds/
cat cmds/ | parallel -P $nprocs -n 1
ls starout | xargs -I% echo 'samtools view -bS starout/%/Aligned.out.sam | samtools sort - starout/%/% && samtools index starout/%/%.bam' > cmds/
cat cmds/ | parallel -P $nprocs -n 1
python ../src/ -i starout -o starout_clipped -p $nprocs -n 0 -t 3
Extract reads with minimum ${maxRlen} nt read length (for details about cut-off see the methods section of Faridani/Abdullayev et al., 2016)
maxRlen=40 #maximum read length to define a small RNA
minRlen=41 #minimum read length to define a precursor
python ../src/ -d starout_clipped -o starout_max${maxRlen} -c ${maxRlen} -m max
ls starout_max${maxRlen}/*/*.bam | xargs -P $nprocs -n 1 samtools index
source ~/cgat-install/conda-install/bin/activate cgat-scripts
python ../src/ -d starout_max${maxRlen} -o starout_molc -p $nprocs
Remove precursor reads. OBS: these reads are wrongly assigned as small RNAs, but they are actually coming from precursors.
python ../src/ -i starout_molc -o starout_molc_final -g ${path_to_reference_genome} -p $nprocs -x ${minRlen}
Count molecules and merge into single file. Custom annotation file could also be used. Make sure it is in GenePred format.
python ../src/ -i starout_molc_final -g ../annotations/ -o counts_molc -p $nprocs
python ../src/ counts_molc.txt counts_molc/*/*_Count.txt
python ../src/ -i counts_molc.txt -o counts_molc_final.txt
rm counts_molc.txt
The counts_molc_final.txt is a table containing molecule counts of all the RNA biotypes in the annotation table. If you get this file, it means the pipeline has been executed correctly.
Please refer to the following article: (Faridani/Abdullayev et al., 2016)