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Browser: IE
Browser: IE
Browser: Safari
Browser: Safari
Compiler: todo
Compiler: todo
Component: Build Infrastructure
Component: Build Infrastructure
Component: Component API
Component: Component API
Component: Concurrent Features
Component: Concurrent Features
Component: Core Utilities
Component: Core Utilities
Component: Developer Tools
Component: Developer Tools
Component: DOM
Component: DOM
Component: ESLint Rules
Component: ESLint Rules
Component: Fast Refresh
Component: Fast Refresh
Component: Flight
Component: Flight
Component: Hooks
Component: Hooks
Component: Optimizing Compiler
Component: Optimizing Compiler
Component: ReactIs
Component: ReactIs
Component: Reconciler
Component: Reconciler
Component: Scheduler
Component: Scheduler
Component: Scheduling Profiler
Component: Scheduling Profiler
Component: Server Rendering
Component: Server Rendering
Component: Shallow Renderer
Component: Shallow Renderer
Component: Suspense
Component: Suspense
Component: Test Renderer
Component: Test Renderer
Component: Test Utils
Component: Test Utils
Core Team Responded
Core Team Responded
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Difficulty: challenging
Difficulty: challenging
Difficulty: medium
Difficulty: medium
Difficulty: starter
Difficulty: starter