an ENFJ tech-bro who enjoys punk music/concerts. I like to interact with many people.
Check out my personal website:
- Currently: Shifting to Data Engineer/ML Engineer/Data Scientist
- Previously: Frontend Engineer on several companies.
- Software Engineering
- ML Engineering
- Data Analytics
Machine learning & Data Science (Junior):
- Exploration Data Analysis (EDA)
- Hypothesis testing
- Data preprocessing (handling missing value, duplicate value, handling outliers, encoding features)
- Cross-validation Model
- Hyperparameter Tuning Model
- Evaluation Metrics
- Tracking above steps and manage stage (staging & production) with MLFlow
- Build API from model
Tech Stack : Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit Learn, Tensorflow, MLFlow, Flask, Tableau
Frontend (Mid-to-Sr): Nextjs, Reactjs, styled-jsx, styled-components, tailwind, zustand, redux, React-Query, SWR, rtk, native CSS
Javascript bundler: webpack 5, rollup, lerna, yarn workspace for monorepo project
Backend (Junior): FastAPI, Redis, Expressjs, PostgreSQL and Software design pattern
Monitoring : Sentry & MLFlow
Deployment: Caddy, Nginx, PM2, Docker Compose, Dockerize Image, Github Actions, Gitlab-ci
Server: I have experienced with AWS EC2, DigitalOcean or other VPS provider
Data Engineering (Junior): Airflow, BigQuery, MySQL